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A/n: How will Emi and Kaori? Thanks for reading this book!


Arima Kousei breathed sharply at their mansion weeks later in front of his mother's altar. He was wishing to give him more strength, joy and acceptance towards her mother's death. Even if it was already years that he ended up living with his father, it still hurts him terribly that he would never see his mother's gentle face anymore. Most of all, it still saddens him whenever his grandfather or uncle ask him if his father would marry someone for the second time. His hands clenched and a tear slid down his cheeks. He doesn't know if he'll be able to accept her if ever his father truthfully marry another woman. He took another sharp breath and exhaled greatly over the time he spent his time in his mother's altar. He still couldn't help but be afraid if ever his father would have another woman aside from his late mother.

As he spend too much time that night there, he didn't know that he had made his father really anxious which resulted into a big search around the house. The search only stopped when his father finally found him seated on the floor of the altar near the backyard. He quickly gave him his brown robes over his son's shoulders as he help his son get up and walk.

"What were you doing there? You've got an entrance exam on Okutsu Music Preparatory High School tomorrow," he asked his son. "I don't want you to get sick."

"It's not cold on mother's altar," he replied to him with his eyes staring at the tiled floor.

A few more moments of silence in between them, he began sobbing at the moment he asked his father before he open his door, "You won't marry again, right?"

Arima Takahiko gulped and looked away. He doesn't know what to tell his son after all as he can't say for sure if he won't marry again. "Go to sleep, Kousei. You're very much tired right now. I don't want you to fail the entrance exam because of me. You had worked so hard to get in Okutsu Music School."

He was very much befuddled by how his father acted around him as he take him in his room. He wondered now if his father was actually dating a new girl and he had to deal with a stepmom. He isn't ready to welcome any woman except his girlfriend or aunt. "Dad, you won't have anyone other than my mom, right?" Kousei asked him.

Takahiko grinned graciously. "Of course! Of course! Son, you're my treasure. Even so, life can't be predicted. If ever I meet someone I'd love again, please accept her."

Arima Kousei cried that time as he watch his father leave his huge room. "Damn it!"


Lea Akanabe- Arima, Kenichiro's Japanese- American wife gave an applause to Arima Kousei after his majestic performance in his audition in Okutsu Music School. He played Fugue No. 16 in G minor of J. S Bach. She could hear different people in all different status declaring him as a musical genius inside the auditorium. It was obvious to the judges in front of them that they were clapping for him, too.

Seto Hiroko was also very much happy for her student to have passed the audition. They had practiced a lot together for days to prepare him for the audition. The next thing he'll do will be the interview.

After he stepped down the stage, he was welcomed by the professors of Okutsu Music School. "Aren't you the famous Arima Kousei? We're so grateful that you chose to study here in our institution!"

"It's my pleasure, as well, professors," Kousei told them happily.

"Oh! I heard you are in a relationship with Ms. Igawa. She was accepted early on. She's just as amazing like you," Professor Hana told him. She has blond hair and hazel eyes.

"I'm glad to know," he replied back.

As he was chatting with the judges, Lea and Seto Hiroko finally approached him. He gladly smiled at them and took a bow to them to show his huge respect to them. "Wow! My own student was just accepted to a prestigious school! You really are as great as your mother."

"It was all because of you, Seto Hiroko-san. You supported me," he said as tears cascade down his cheeks.

"I'm sure your father will be totally happy to know that you were accepted," Lea added.

"Aunt Lea! Thanks for supporting me," Kousei said to him.

His words made her hug him really tight. She's only fifteen years older than him and so, she saw him as if her child, too. Lea and Kenichiro haven't really able to make any child for years now. It wasn't even her fault. It's been eating up her husband's confidence ever since the doctor found out that he doesn't have that much enough sperm cells to make a child. They've thought about other ways like turning into science and choosing a person to carry their child but it was too risky. Instead, they knew that if they really want a child, they can just accept someone else as their child.

"Aunt Lea, you don't need a kid. I'm here. I'll be your kid!" Kousei said to her while she stare at her small, sea- blue eyes.

Lea smiled at him. "You are really an Arima. How you talk made me fall for your uncle. I just hope he doesn't really give up just because he can't give me a child."

"I guess it's all because my grandmother was once a princess before World War Two, Aunt Lea," he told her as he keep him around his arms. "Dad slowly made me talk gently."

"Don't you dare change and have a big head when you're popular and famous, okay?" she reminded him as they separate. She dried his tears while Kousei stand up with Seto Hiroko on his side.

"Yes, I promise," he replied to her.

"Let's meet again, my lovely nephew!" she spoke as she leave.

As he watch her leave, Seto Hiroko found him gripping his fists in disappointment and anger. "Are you alright, Kousei?" she worriedly asked him.

"My dad and uncle didn't watch me play my piano again," he cried out. "Even with all the competitions, they never go."

"Kousei, they're just busy," Seto Hiroko reminded him. "I'm sure they could have wanted to be here."

"What? They're aren't regular employees, Seto-san! My father is the Apollo Music Corporation's President while my uncle is the Executive Director! They're both powerful people who can have time for me! They all have other employees to work for their jobs for a while. Why can't they can't think about me? Why? Why can't they watch me play piano?" he screamed at her. "Only my grandfather supports me. He knows I'm a musician."

She immediately took him around her arms to calm him down as he was bawling out. "Kousei, your father had always supported you. Don't worry about that, okay?"

"Seto-san, will they ever attend and see me perform? I kept on missing my mother so much for this past few days," he asked her.

"I'm sure they will." She kissed his forehead and kept him close to her while her student still kept on crying.


A/n: I hope you like this chapter! How would you feel if you are in Kousei's situation? Write in the comments below. Thank you! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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