Chaos, the 57th exterior mission part 3

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Harpoons flew into the female titan from numerous directions lodging into her flesh keeping her from moving. The titan had a terrified expression on her face as she tried to struggle against the wires in an attempt to break free, Wolffe had grappled up to the tree you and your squad were on observing the female titan "Whoever's in there must be pissing themselvves right now it must've never even crossed her mind that we'd be leading her into a trap" he said putting a hand to his chin.

Cody then drew his blades "Good work leading her here now we expose who this really is" he stepped forward to jump off the tree and cut her hands but you stopped him by putting a hand on his shoulder "No not just yet, second and third waves FIIIIRRRRRREEEE!!! ALL RESERVES!"

The restraining weapon teams heard your orders loud and clear relentlessly unloading every single harpoon they had left into the female titan. Erwin turned to Hanji and gave her a slight nod "Fire!" she slammed her foot on the barrel next to her and pulled the trigger launching the last round of harpoons into the titan, she then started yelling at everyone that was currently present "What in the world is the holdup on the extraction of our esteemed guest!? It won't get any easier, strike while the iron is hot I say!"

Wolffe and Mike attached their anchors into the trees next to the titan and swooped down to her hands to cut them. Instead of hearing the noises of ultra hard steel cutting through bone they heard their blades shattering, both of them widened their eyes as they saw the remnants of their blades which were just shards.

The two returned to the trees they were pearched in previously, Wolffe looked at you and shook his head sideways holding his blade up to you "No dice" "Interesting, she can harden her skin to protect certain areas of her body kind of like the titan that broke through wall Maria that had armor around its body" Falke noted. 

"The question is what do we do now? It's not like we can spend all day chipping at her until we break through" you drew your grips and shot an anchor into a tree next to the titan "I'm sure Erwin will think of something for now the 4 of you should be on standby I'm going to interrogate our friend over here" with that you zipped over to her head.

A few moments later Levi had come over and joined you "Knock knock, we know you're in there. You could stop wasting our time and make this easier on yourself by coming out of there" you started attaching a blade to your left grip, spinning it in your hands before you continued "If you come out I can guarantee your safety. Until we get back to the walls that is, what happens then will be out of my control, or you could just continue to play this and keep stalling which will get you nowhere we don't intend to let you go. If you're thinking about an escape plan don't bother cause the moment you break free I won't hesitate to gut you like a fish, let me tell you what you should be thinking about, the good men you killed today. One of them was a friend and student of mine section commander Dieter Ness, I don't think you know who he is or that you even care and I'll tell you right now you should because by killing him you made one fatal mistake, you pissed me off, I know you're probably scared to death right now and you should be. If it were up to me I would've ended your life in the forest and trust me your ability wouldn't be able to save you"

Then Levi pulled out both his blades and started talking "I guess we have something in common, course we enjoy killing titans, but it's a start I'm sure we can still find some middle ground. Oh that's right, while we're on that subject let me ask, you're ok with us cutting your limbs off at the joints right? I mean they'll grow back. I'm talking about your actual body don't want you dead just yet timing wouldn't work"

The titan then opened her jaw making Levi gasp not even a second later she started emitting an ear deafening scream making everyone cover their ears and look at her in horror. When it was over everyone shakily uncovered their eyes "Nicely done I almost lost my composure" Levi flatly said to her making you turn your head to him "I think I've rubbed off on you too much" 

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