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The group split into teams of 2 and searched for survivors, after a few minutes of looking everyone gathered back at Connie's house "Hey something's wrong you find any bodies?" Gelgar asked looking at the recruits and they shook their heads "How is that even possible? Titans ransacked this place and there's not a spec of blood?-" 

Lynne interrupted him in an attempt to cheer Connie up "They must've fled! The villagers I mean they all escaped uh, your family too" Connie gasped and looked at her with hopeful eyes "Ya think so? You think they're alive?" "Um, yeah sure it's the only logical explination for why'd there be no trace of well, carnage"

"I don't know that I agree with that" Gelgar muttered thinking no one heard him but you did. You pulled him aside to where the others couldn't hear a conversation "What is it that you see? What do you think really happened here?" he scrunched his eyebrows together and let out a feint sigh before answering you "One of the most important things you taught me was analyze and assess, so going off what we little we can gather suppose the entire village was evacuated in time, how do you explain the devestation? Why would titans rip apart empty houses? And that doesn't bother me half as much as the stables being full. Without horses the villagers' odds of survival are slim to none"

You nodded in agreement "Something much bigger is at play here, something that needs much more thorough investiga-" you cut yourself as you notcied something very peculiar in the grass a few feet away from the houses 'Huh? Footprints? From the pattern they look like they 're from some sort of animal, a bear? Wolf maybe? No that's impossible, they're way too big to belong to any of the wildlife around here, could there be a breed of titans that take after the form of animals from the wilderness? That would explain the abnormal from earlier. Still though I can't wrap my head around any of this, how'd the titans get here?'

"You okay?" Gelgar's voice snapped you back to reality "Yeah, I'm fine just spaced out is all. Go make sure everyone has a torch" he nodded and went off with the rest of the cadets except Connie who you slowly walked over to 'Going off of what Cody's insider has told us I don't think these titans just magically appeared. There could be a possibility that the wall may not even be a breached at all, if that's the case then the only logical explination for these titans sudden appearance is that-' "Welcome home..."

You stopped dead in your tracks and slowly rotated your body to turn towards the titan ontop of Connie's with an evident look of concern on your face, it had just spoken and you knew you weren't going crazy as it appeared Connie had heard the same thing too 'The people of Ragakou themselves are the titans....' 

You got on your horse and prepared to ride off with the others until your attention was grabbed "Snap out of it! We're falling behind Gelgar and the others " "Did you hear that? You had to! I swear that titan-" "It was only your imagination I didn't hear a damn thing"

Your face immediately hardened 'How did he know what Connie was gonna say? And why was he so quick to dismiss it? Just what the hell does he know? This is giving me reason to  believe that he's an accomplice of Annie's, he could potentially be one of the titans hiding within our ranks. I'm keeping a very close eye on him as well as looking out for wherever Reiner Braun and Bertholdt Hoover are they could be the ones behind all this' you then took off after Gelgar, Mike and Lynne.

Night had fallen and the group was traversing around the wall, footsteps were heard infront and everyone got on their guard ready to fight but instead of titans your eyes were met with the fires of torches and seconds later the other squad appeared from the dark making everyone but you and Mike look at each other in shock.

"So you followed the wall here too I take it?" Gelgar asked looking at Nanaba "That's right, I assume you found the breach then?" you and Mike hardened your faces as Gelgar gasped and widened his eyes "We didn't see any irregularities along the western route. Surely you must've seen something in the east!" "No.....the wall's perfectly intact......"

Old soldiers, Hanji x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now