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This was a very bad situation, these guys had shotguns that were able to work with ODM gear and had you completely surrounded, there was a slight chance of being able to outrun the if you were careful and fast enough but you had to get rid of the goggled guy in front of you first. You quickly loaded a blade into your grip and flung it blindly at the guy and turned heel running to the edge of the roof, immediately afterwards you jumped off as the soldiers that you could only assume were MPs began to fire at you from all different directions, you quickly maneuvered through the city battling for your life.

"Those gunshots?" suddenly Chase heard the sound of ODM gear anchors that were getting closer and closer to him, he turned his head and gasp at the sight of people swinging towards the wagon as Eren came out of the covers "Are we being attacked or what?" "Keep your head down we're picking up the pace hiya!" 

He snapped the reins making the horse increase its speed. They weren't able to gain any distance as an anchor pierced the covers and ripped them in half, sleep darts were shot into Eren and Historia's necks, Chase quickly looked at Eren then turned his head to the right of him and saw someone pointing a gun directly at his head "I think it's time to run!" he zipped off in a random direction just as the soldier shot at him barely missing and nearly taking out his horse.

You and Levi came up to the wagon after a tough fight with the MPs just as a female soldier took over the reins. You were about to move in to take her down but were stopped when 3 MPs came around the corner making your eyes widen in shock. You quickly turned so you were facing the ground and shot your anchors into the ground pulling yourself downward narrowly avoiding the gunfir as you angled yourself to face upwards shooting your anchors into a random building  and flung yourself forward. 

You saw a wagon ahead of you and quickly tilted your head back to slide underneath it and tried your hardest to not get hit. 

'Son of a bitch, they know every single one of our moves before we even make them!' you spiraled in the air dodging shots that were extremely close to your body and cartwheeled off a crate that was immediately shot to pieces.

You flew into a clearing and saw the man himself, Kenny the ripper attempt to shoot Levi who slid on his feet and dipped into an alley. You chased after him while trying your hardest to avoid the incoming projectiles. You cut your thigh down to your lower leg on an exposed piece of wood making you groan in pain as you shot your anchors into a building ahead of you and followed right on Levi's tail as the both of you broke through doors to a random building and landed on a counter...which turned out to be the bar.

"It's Levi...of the scouts!" "Make yourself at home sir and ma'am!" the bar owner said as he began to violently shake.

Kenny landed on the ground with a large stomp right infront of where the doors to the bar would be "Ready or not" 'Dammit if we stay here like sitting ducks nobody is gonna make it out of this alive...' "It's the damndest thing....I seem to be smellin a rat in this fine establishment. Come on out little rodent" suddenly Kenny jumped straight through the entrance "The sheriff is here! And I aim to exterminate all the vermin I can find BANG BANG!!!" the bar went silent as everyone stared at him in disbelief and confusion "OH COME ON!! YOU HEAR OR NOT!?" "Right here Kenny" Levi said while wiping blood of his eye "Been a while. I really thought you'd be dead by now, what with all the MPs you were butcherin. But now you're great friends huh?" Kenny scowled and retorted.

"Yeah well adults do plenty of things kids like you can't understand. Oh right my mistake. You're supposed to be an adult now but you're still such a runt it's hard to tell. Heh, always hoped that I might get to see you in action some day. Can't say I'm disappointed either. Seems you still remember every trick I taught ya. But didn't I ever tell you what happens to a cornered rat? Cause if I had you'd know that wherever you run you'll find a bullet waiting. Hey, Levi" Kenny then picked up a chair and threw it at the shelf behind the counter shatterin all the bottles of alcohol.

Old soldiers, Hanji x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now