Reluctant heroes

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Hanji, Armin, Mikasa, Historia, Connie and Hannes were ontop of the wall, they tended to the injured and laid all of them down on their capes to give them a nice surface to rest on "Section commander if it isn't too much to ask who are the strongest members in the scouts amongst the veterans?" Armin asked Hanji curiosly as they waited for Erwin to arrive, she fiddled with her hair a bit before turning to him "Well obviously (F/N) is the strongest followed by Levi, then after them would be myself, Erwin and Mike. Everyone else is on equal ground with each other though some may be slightly stronger than others"

Armin looked at her in awe "Wow so you're humanity's 3rd strongest?" she sighed while shaking her hair and nodded "Yeah..." "You're worried about her huh?" Hannes asked and Hanji nodded "I am...she risked her life to keep me safe" "Well if the strike commander is as strong as people say she is I'm sure she'll be fine. Oh man what a mess, count your lucky stars we were all the way up here, rest of em got blasted by steam and debris nothing much they could do. Y'know I got food if you're hungry it might help you take your mind off things, any of you guys eat?"

Everyone shook their heads and Hannes nodded "Be right back"

Mikasa looked over the wall sitting next to Armin "Somebody's gone after them right? Tell me somebody went after them" Armin looked down at the ground and sighed "I'm sorry"

Mikasa immediately got into his face "Why not!?" she was promptly held back and restrained by Hanji who started talking to her in a stern voice "Calm down, we had no other choice. The horses are on the other side of the wall, they can't be hauled over until the lifts make it here which takes time. Not to mention that the other officers are too injured to even move right now and even if they were awake and able bodied we wouldn't be enough to form a scouting team not even a small one on our own, nor do you rookies have the experience to help carry one out, even with our strongest soldier we would barely stand a chance out there if we were to go out with our current conditions. Our only option is to wait do you understand?"

Mikasa eventually gave in and relaxed in Hanji's arms and let out a long sigh "Yes ma'am...."

A few moments later Hannes had came back with water and crackers "Here you guys must be starving" he threw everyone a cracker and started eating "Sorry it's only field rations but better than nothing I guess" he sat down and smiled continuing to eat the cracker he had unwrapped "Not bad, not good either nothin new there" Hannes then gave the 2 kids an inspirational speech which got them much more motivated than before making Hanji smile.

"Ahhh shit" the group turned around to see Cody rising to his feet "Cody! You're not hurt are you?" Hanji asked walking over to him "I'm fine, a piece of bone tore up my arm but it's nothing I can't handle. Where's Eren?" Hanji sighed and gave him a simple response "Abducted" "I see, guess we should prepare for Erwin's eventual arrival"

Everyone had been geared up and ready to go, some of the officers had woken up as the sound of horse steps on the wall could be heard Erwin had finally come with the lifts. Hanji had gotten a map and started laying out a plan "It's a gamble but the trees in this forest are massive I say we ride straight for it. See even if they had a way to cover the armored titan's footprints this is almost definitely where we would find them" "Why's that?" Erwin asked with his eyebrows raised.

"They need to recoup, they have the power to assume titan form but other titans on that side of the wall still pose a threat especially after putting up such a fight, yes Eren was the worst for it but they've got to be spent. Remember when Annie went out cold?  Let's suppose they're headed somewhere beyond wall Maria that's not a simple hike they'll need all the rest they can get before covering that kind of distance, they're in no shape to make it in a single push and if so they'll want to catch their breath somewhere other titans can't get to them. Odds are they'll hold out till it gets dark" deciding to go with Hanji's plan the able soldiers lifted the horse over the wall and headed out "Let's move! Be on the lookout all riders assume formation!"

Old soldiers, Hanji x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now