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"Now then, on another note" you said while getting up "It's time we heard what our friends over here have to say wouldn't you guys agree?" Levi, Mikasa and yourself walked up to your 2 'Guests' and ripped the gag off the woman from the MPs.

"Don't hurt me! I was only following orders!" she pleaded making you put your hand on your chin "Uh huh.....orders that almost got 4 of us killed. You're not getting  sympathy from us" "You have to believe me I didn't to hurt anyone I swear!!"

"YOU NEARLY SHOT MY FUCKING HEAD OFF!!!" Chase screamed at her from across the room. Levi looked down at her with his signature menacing look "If you really didn't wanna hurt anyone then why'd you partner up with Kenny?"

The lady whimpered and started shaking at his dark tone "I.....I wanted to be somebody....I wanted to have some kind of purpose in this miserable world..." she said shakily while looking at the ground "Well if you wanna keep your miserable life I suggest you tell us where Eren and Historia are" she sighed as she listened to your threat "We were instructed to take them to lord Reiss after we captured them so we could take them to a different location..." "Where?" she jumped at your intimidating voice "I..I don't know! They were going to tell us once we got to Reiss' location that's all I know please you have to believe me!"

Levi sighed as he rested his hand on his forehead, they were getting absolutely nowhere. He decided it was best to move on to the next captive and yanked his gag off "Mercy please! I'm just an old man that used to move cargo! I didn't want to but-" "I've met this one before" Mikasa said cutting him off, the man looked up at her and gasped as he recognized her face "He seemed to be a prominent merchant" Levi nodded "Yeah I know him, Dimo Reeves right?" he groanded and looked to the side at the ground "This damn job was forced on us by the military police and now that we've completely botched it they'll plunder the Reeves company for everything it's worth. 1st they'll kill me and then they'll setup accidents for all my employees, my dumb son too" "You just gonna lay down and take it?"

Reeves curiously looked up at Levi "There's a reason Trost recovered from that titan attack" you started "It's largely because of jobs and money brought in by the Reeves company. Tell me, if your company were to disappear how many would survive the coming winter?"

"So..what? You want me to join you?" "We just need to know where Eren and Historia are" you told him before Levi came back into the conversation "If you're in contact with the MPs I think I have a plan" "And can you give me your word that the people of Trost won't end up starving to death?" "I can't guarantee it" Levi said while crouching down "That said I believe they'll have a better chance with us than without us"

"About time the bastards left" Hanji commented before busting through Erwin's door "Our situation just got worse! I have 2 things to report commander: 1st Eren and Historia have been abducted by the enemy my squad and I are about to meet captain Levi and (F/N) and follow up on a lead they might have as to their current whereabouts" she then pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket while Erwin filled a cup with water "Understood what else?" "Eren remembered a conversation between Ymir and Bertholdt but if this is actually true then..shit I feel like my head's gonna explode" she then started whining "What's the problem?" she was snapped out of it once she saw the cup of water Erwin offered her.

She instantly grabbed the cup and scoffed the whole thing down "Unless we recover him quickly Eren will be devoured!" Erwin was taken aback by this new information.

"Are we there?" Sannes asked while peaking out of the wagon as it came to a stop. As soon as his head was out he gasped as all of the scouts stood infront of him with guns, he tried to turn back around but was immediately hit in the head with the butt of Jean's shotgun "Reeves you piece o-agh!" Ralph was cut off as Mikasa had snuck into the wagon from the front and knocked him out "Sorry gents that's how it is" Levi gave Dimo a nod to go ride off and with that he left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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Old soldiers, Hanji x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now