Close combat

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You jumped off the wall with Hanji and the last team following you joining your squadmates on the side of the wall "Sit rep" Falke turned to look at you "Eren's down he got knocked out by a single punch, Cody's impulsive cousin went out after him and is aimlessly trying to find some way to put a scratch on Reiner" you sighed and watched the action unfold.

Eren groaned as he slammed into the ground "Ahhh why'd you have to throw me so hard?" "You came to me for hand to hand combat lessons did you not?" "Y-yes but-" "Then get the hell up and stop whining" Eren groaned as he got onto his feet again, he had asked the strike commander for help to improve his hand to hand combat skills but he didn't think the training would be this intense. "This next move I'm about to show you is a grappling technique that'll give you a big edge over your opponent but that's only if you're strong enough to lift them"

She then stretched her neck muscles then dashed forward and put her right hand over his shoulder and her left hand on his lower leg. She then threw him over her shoulder and fell back sideways slimming him onto the ground putting her in a position where she was ontop of him "And here" she said while locking her arms onto his "Is where you can start breaking bones, like so" she then forcefully pulled on his arm breaking it "Ahhhhh! Do you really have to break my bones!?" "Oh please your body regenerates you'll be fine. Now...." "Hey (F/N) I want a match" Levi's voice rang out as he pulled a knife out "I'm kinda in the middle of training Jaeger bomb right now" "The brat can wait" (F/N) then chuckled as she got off Eren and rotated her shoulders "Alright then, makes no difference to me" 

"Whoa is this seriously about to happen?" Eren asked as both squads gathered around

Levi then put the knife down on the ground and backed up so it was directly in the middle of them 'Are they seriously gonna use a real knife?' "So who do you think's gonna win?" he heard Petra ask him as he looked at the pair infront of him "Uhh...well should I know?"

'Wait how did that play out? And why's it coming to me now? Is this-is this my life flashing before my eyes? So what who gives a shit, it's not like it matters, not when I feel like this' Eren

"No! Back down you can't win in a fist fight!" "That isn't true" you told Armin who was trying to  yell to Eren "Huh? But Reiner's-" "There's always a flaw in a person's defense, Reiner may not be susceptible to physical strikes but he is vulnerable to grabs and holds, his armor won't do him any good against those. One good lock and he may be in serious trouble" 

Eren started screaming and ran at Reiner "Oh no!" "He's blinded by rage" Nanaba said concerned "No" everyone except your squad looked at you with confousion written on their faces "This is all part of a bigger strategy" "H-how can you be so sure?!" you turned your head to look at Armin "Because I know what I'm talking about. Now all of you shut up and watch the fight" they looked at you for a few more seconds but decided not to question you and watch.

Eren ran straight at Reiner with his fist cocked back, Reiner threw his fist at Eren but at the last second Eren ducked under his fist and grabbed onto Reiner's shoulders and spun him around catching him off guard. He delivered a powerful kick to the chest knocking Reiner off balance and tackled him to the ground straddling him in the process. He grabbed one of Reiners arms and pulled it above his head while he put his left leg between Reiner's head and the other leg between Reiner's arm and head, he flipped over so he was laying on the floor while Reiner was locked between his legs ontop of him "What the hell is he doing!?" "Holy crap! I've never seen anything like that before!!" 

'You know what? There's no telling what you murdering hypocrites were trying to accomplish. But now that I think about it your master plan seems to have a few holes in it' Eren then locked his arm around Reiner's and started pulling it, slowly shattering the armor and breaking it from his body 'Commander (L/N)'s technique is working I've got him locked! THERE'S STILL A CHANCE!!' "Cody grab your brat of a cousin!" "On it" he swooped in and pulled Mikasa away from the scene and to the wall.

Old soldiers, Hanji x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now