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"Shut up" Hanji said blushing with a smile tugging at the corner of her face, you pecked her on the lips and got off your bed "I have a meeting with Erwin, I'll be back in a bit if you want to stay here" she nodded and layed on her side after kicking off her boots as you walked out of your room and softly shut the door.

You walked into the messhall and saw everyone was already there, you looked over the table noting the additional people that Erwin didn't tell you would be attending "Appears I'm late, apologies" you said taking a seat next to Wolffe across from Erwin. He looked at you while nodding "It's alright, before we begin I'd like to introduce everyone, Green company these are cadets Armin Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman and Jean Kirstein. Cadets these are strike commander (F/N) (L/N), Wolffe Mccalum, Mori Hersh, Falke Staerken and Cody Ackerman"

Mikasa gasped "Cody? I didn't even recognize you, your looks have changed so much" "Ahhh so this is your little cousin you've told us about, definitely takes after youe aunt" Mori said nodding her head "Wait you have a cousin?" Eren asked looking between the Ackermans making Mikasa nod "Yes, he looked after me a few times while my parents were gone when I was younger on the days he didn't have to work in the scouts" Armin silently gasped "So if you're cousins with Mikasa you're also cousins with-"

"We can talk more on that subject later right now we should get this meeting started since the section commander is here" Erwin nodded at Cody's words and put his hands over his map "Right I've brought you all here because we believe we have uncovered the female titan's true identity she won't slip away this time. The day after tomorrow we'll be passing through Stohess district in route to the capital that's when we'll strike, it'll be our first and only chance to do so. Once we step foot in the interior the government will assume authority of Eren and the scouts' authority to continue operations will be limited thus unless we wish to concede defeat we must flush out the enemy now. So here's what we do, while in Stohess we use Eren as bait luring the target into this underground passage the deeper the better and get her well below street level. That done she should be easily immobilized even in titan form, if she transforms before reaching the tunnel well at that point she'll be your responsibility Eren" 

'Maybe that's why they want Eren that would be the only explination, which means Nile is just a pawn in all this' recalling a conversation Cody told you he had with an insider source you quietly kept note of the possibility you had thought of.

You had looked over the parts of the map Erwin had circled and the traps he had drawn out "Right, so we know she'll be in Stohess. There's no chance she'll bolt before we get there?" you then shook your head "Going AWOL would be suicide"

Armin looked surprised before covering it up 'Wait could she already know who the female titan is? But how? We haven't even given anybody the slightest detail yet' "Wait you mean she's-" Erwin cut Eren off cutting to the chase "Armin here identified her. She's an MP, likely responsible for the deaths of Hanji's test subjects and a fellow trainee in the 104th cadet corps"

Eren tilted his head in confusion "You can't be serious I trained with her?" Erwin then looked him directly in the eyes "I'm sorry but yes, she's one of us. Her name is Annie Leonhardt"

The room fell silent as everyone looked at each other before Eren started talking "You think it's Annie? Where's-where's your evidence? Tell me" "Cadet Arlert"

"Yes sir. Obviously the female titan knew what you looked like before she attacked, plus she reacted to my use of your 'suicidal maniac' nickname, something only our classmates would know. But the biggest reason I suspect her is that I have strong reason to believe she's the one that killed Sawney and Bean" 

Eren turned to Armin with concern and disbelief written on his face "You're kinda goin out on a limb there"

"Killing two titans at once required a precision ODM strike it only makes sense that the killer would've used the gear they were most familiar with" Eren justed looked at Armin even more confused than before "But there was that whole equipment inspection Annie totally checked out"

Old soldiers, Hanji x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now