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Everyone jumped off the ledge towards the titans, one stuck its hand out to grab Gelgar "You think it's gonna be that easy big guy!? I got news for ya hiyah!" he cut of its fingers and you swiftly rode on its arm to the nape and killed it making the the titan fall over on small 3-4 meter ones "Hot damn! You little ones should watch where you're goin! Ha, dumbasses"

You grappled on to the tower he was hooked onto "You're one to talk you just wasted 2 perfectly good blades" "That's just how I do things. You better chalk that one up as an assist" you then let out a quick chuckle "Aren't you the hero? I'll consider it, maybe" Lynne then hooked up to the 2 of you "The door's been kicked down!" and with that she flew to the top of the tower. "We got more incoming!" you heard Nanaba yell and looked at the forest "You gotta be kidding me....sigh where's the squad when you need them?"

"Admit it you don't know where we're going" Falke said to Wolffe who was currently trying to look for the group they got seperated from after running into some unexpected trees "Of course I do, Utgard castle is this way....I think" "No it's this way" Mori said pointing to the west, Cody face palmed and sighed "I'm never trusting any of you with directions when we get lost again"

"Well alright then, say what you will the scouts get shit done"

You spun through the nape of a 12 meter while Nanaba cut the achilles of a 10 meter and Gelgar swooped down to finish it off. Everyone regrouped on the tower "That's it for the big ones" "Good thing we have this tower" Nanaba thankfully noted and Gelgar nodded "No kidding, think we might just survive the night" Lynne and Henning started walking up the tower "We'll check on the recruits"

"Okay" Nanaba feintly said as the continued to scale up the tower, then a strange noise filled the air making everyone look to where the sound was coming from "The hell is that?" immediately after you said finished your sentence something slammed into the ground by the troughs making all of you gasp and widen your eyes "The horses...." Nanaba said in horror as the sound filled there air once more 'Again! If I were a titan and I took out the horses what would my next target be?' 

You then gasped as you figured out your own question and quickly turned your head up to Lynne and Henning "OFF THE TOWER!!!" the pair were only given a fraction of a second to react as a boulder collided with the tower "LYNNE!!! HENNING!!!" everyone rushed up to check on them. Lynne was on the ground groaning as blood leaked from her head and onto her face while Henning was slumped against the wall coughing up blood. You walked over to Lynne and crouched down to her while Mike went over to look at Henning "Can you move?" she groaned and shook her head "Can't...feel...leg" you assumed that it must have been broken when the boulder hit the tower, outside of that, her head and a few cuts and bruises she was okay "Hang in there soldier" you took off your jacket and folded it under her head.

Henning put his hand on Mikes's shoulder "Section commander...promise me....I'll be avenged...." Mike then reached over with his other arm and put it over Henning's hand "I promise old friend" Henning rested his face and took his final breath before closing his eyes.

"He's gone" Mike said before gently setting Henning's arm down. "He did this, the one who made a beeline for the wall!" Connie yelled running to look at the wall "Hairy son of a bitch is randomly-uh? Huuu! Heads up guys we've got twice as many as before!!" you stood up from where you were next to line "This is no coincidence, 1st they took out our transportation, then they lessened our numbers so we would have less of a chance at surviving the next onslaught. Mike take Henning's gear we're gonna need your help" "Right" 

After what seemed like hours of fighting about maybe half or less of the titans were killed off. Gelgar had bashed his head and fell into the tower after being saved from Nanaba who had used the last of her resources saving him. "Shit" you mumbled jumping off the tower killing a titan that had tried to reach inside a hole in the tower to get Gelgar, you picked him up and zipped up to the tower and rested him next to line 'I'm running on empty and I've only got 2 spare blades left this isn't good' you then looked down to Lynne who was sound asleep on your jacket 'Sorry Lynne but I'm gonna have to borrow these from you'

Old soldiers, Hanji x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now