Smoke signal

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"Oh shut it who are you my mom now!?" "We're back" Mikasa said walking into the house with Historia making Armin look at her like she was crazy "Wait you were chopping firewood!?" Mikasa just simply looked over to him "Gotta stay in shape somehow" "You got grabbed by a titan you should be in bed recovering!"

Eren sighed "Think you're wasting your breath, I caught her doing situps earlier too" this made Armin gasp while Jean growled "Oh so you're a nag and a spy!" 

Sasha smiled as the pair argued "Funny. Almost feels like we're back in the cadet corps doesn't it?" Armin nodded "Chaos. Makes you wonder why they chose us for these new advanced squads, protecting Eren and Historia is such an important mission"

A man with messy blonde hair accomponied by grey eyes that looked like he was in his early 20s who was sitting at the table chuckled "Well I don't know about you guys but I think it's obvious why they chose me, the looks, the moves, I've got it all" a brunette woman with brown eyes sitting in the middle of the table with short hair that looked almost exactly like Mikasa's who appeared to be 25 with combat glasses on her forehead sighed "Please you couldn't impress a brick if you tried"

She then looked up at the new Levi squad and smiled "Oh right we should probably introduce ourselves, I'm Jetta Guttman, the cocky braggart to my right is Chase Finley, the daffodil on my left me is Aria Bowen we're the new (F/N) squad" she said while pointing to a woman who looked to be in the same age range with silver hair and black eyes.

Armin returned the smile and began introducing him and his friends "I'm Armin Arlert, the 2 loud mouths over there are Jean Kirstein and Eren Jaeger, the girl infront of me is Sasha Braus while the black and blonde ones over there are Mikasa Ackerman and Historia Reiss we're the new Levi squad pleased to meet you all" "And I assume we got chosen because we're so talented" Sasha said swiping a potato off the table and shoved it in her bag.

Armin's face dropped "Sasha....what did you just shove into your bag" she slowly turned around to look at him "It's something that's definitely not a potato" Levi squad started bickering as you and Levi had walked in "What's all the commotion?" Levi had run his hand underneath the table making everyone stop talking, he looked at his hand then his squad "I am quite certain I gave you enough time" they all just sighed and facepalmed "Nevermind we can discuss your later failure at a later date. Eren Hanji is anxious to get the experiment underway"

The experiments didn't produce any results, you were heading back to Trost with Hanji who was going to check up on nick and Levi who was going to meet with Erwin but little did anybody know there were 2 figures looking at the titan steam from afar. "I see another failure then" Erwin said after you and Levi gave him the report "Imagine if it had worked, we could've plugged the hole in Shiganshina in less than a day" 

Levi sighed "What we need is information it's not like there are books in the subject" you slowly shook your head "That would make things too easy. But we do have Historia Reiss, maybe she knows something" Erwin turned to the 2 of you "I did some digging and found a report about her life before the cadets, the illegitimate daughter of lord Reiss. Hers was not a happy childhood. As (F/N) had informed me lord Reiss is the key to all this somehow and if what she found is right which it most likely is, he's not just a mere regional lord"

You got out of your chair and headed for the door "I'm gonna go check on Hanji you guys try to get some rest" they nodded as you walked out and went towards the barracks.

You could recognize him anywhere, the man who had informed you of your mothers 'accident' the day she was murdered and you had assumed he was the one that did it "This isn't your jurisdiction, a simple robbery murder. There've been a string of em lately" Hanji shook herself out of her daze "I'm not buying it his nails were torn out!"

Old soldiers, Hanji x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now