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You were almost at the top of wall Rose, it had started raining when you got about halfway up and you were starting to get worn out. Eventually you got to the ledge and Hanji had pulled you up, you dropped to your knees while sitting on your legs as soon as you were on the top of the wall trying to recollect yourself "Dammit" you muttered slowly standing up making Hanji look at you in concern "Are you okay?" you sighed and shook your head "Yeah I'm fine, my body just isn't what it used to be that's all" Hanji's face saddened and she pulled you into a hug "You don't always have to be the hero, don't get yourself killed cause you decided to push yourself too far" you reached (up/down) and locked your lips with hers for a few seconds, enjoying every moment as rain sprinkeld onto your bodies before breaking apart "I won't" she then readjusted her cloak "Now then, it's time to deal with the elephant in the room" you nodded in agreement and started walking off with her.

"Please you've gotta believe me I'm telling the truth! Ymir could've runaway any time she wanted she chose to fight the titans to save our lives! She had nothing to gain putting herself on the line like that, doesn't that speak volumes about where her loyalties are? She should've told us before yes she had no right to keep her power a secret, it's hard to look past how much human kind might've been gained from knowing what she's been keeping to herself but..I think...I think she was just worried about what people might do to her. Clearly her priorities have changed now this isn't nearly as complicated as it looks, no one is closer to Ymir than me and there's no question in my mind who's side she's on!"

You then let out a soft hum "Is that so? Are you sure she chose to fight the titans to save us? Or was it just because she wanted to save you?" Krista now known as Historia gasped at your words but wasn't given time to respond as Hanji started talking "Well under the circumstances it certainly behooves us to be friendly. Her priorities aside I'll wager what she can teach us about the enemy is beyond measure. Probably. Even so" "You say this isn't as complicated as it looks, but from where we're standing the world gets more complicated by the second. Oh, you said your name was Historia Reiss right?" you asked turning around to face her "I did that's correct" Hanji had an inquisitive look on her face "Isn't Reiss the name of a royal family?"

Historia then looked down at the wall "Yes it is" Hanji then walked over to the girl and put her hand on her shoulder "Historia, nice to meecha"

The 3 of you had walked over to some of the main officers of 4th squad who were tasked with looking after Ymir "How's she doing?" "Comatose but stable, the bleeding stopped though steam appears to be coming out of her wounds" you heard Moblit inform Hanji and you put your hand on your chin "I see, just like how a normal titan would regenerate. Best course of action is taking the poor girl back to Trost where she can get proper medical care, she's in your hands Nifa" the ginger looked up at you and nodded "Consider it done"

Hanji then turned around and started to walk off with Moblit "Right then, on with our mission - finding the hole and patching it up" you then turned to her "There is no hole" she tilted her head "What? That's impossible th-" "When both teams metup with each other before we headed to Utgard we reported the same thing, not so much as a dent in the wall, plus if there was one the wall would be swarming with titans by now" "Then how do you explain where the titans came from in the first place?" Moblit asked and you faced forward "I have a theory but I can't tell you here, can't be too careful of who's listening" the pair looked at you with a good amount of shock, confusion and concern on their faces "I need to meetup with my squad you guys go on ahead"

"How you holding up?" Falke asked "I'm fine" you responded "Listen we have a huge development, I've found Reiner Braun and Bertholdt Hoover. They're the muscular blonde kid and the tall brunette kid" Cody nodded "Hanji's group started to catch on and made a theory, we informed them a little of what we know though I'm sure most of them are more focused on this "hole" in the wall" Wolffe made a low grumble "I don't like this, we need to be ready for the enemy to appear at any moment. Think about it, tensions are higher than ever and their goal seems to be to capture Eren, sooner or later they're gonna have to make a move before the stress of their objective gets to them whatever that may be" everyone nodded in agreement "We could try to-" Falke was cut off by the sound of horse footsteps, everyone looked down to see the garrison's advance squad "Hannes?"

Old soldiers, Hanji x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now