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'The beginning of the end'

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'The beginning of the end'

In grade school whenever someone asked me to tell one interesting fact about myself I would smile at them and announce my dad was a part of a motorcycle club. Of course back then I didn't understand why this caused certain kids to no longer play with me at recess or why the school counselor made it her sworn duty to check up on me at least once a week. This was my family. I was proud of them and I wanted everyone to know that I had more than one dad watching out for me. These men raised me as their own. Did their best to braid my hair and tie it off with ribbons because my mother ran the first chance she could. I learned the hard way you either are born for this life or you aren't. She wasn't. I was. I have the dirt under my fingernails to prove it.

Of course my father's reputation wasn't very becoming, meaning the minute I was old enough to get into trouble the sheriff's department had an eye on me. Pranks were pulled, nights were spent in the drunk tank. It caused me to grow up and grow up fast. If the rules were different I would have been right there beside my father leather kutte on my back and my mug shot on the wall...but the rules weren't different. I spent my life on the sidelines wondering when it would be my turn, and also wondering why I was born for a life that I really wasn't supposed to be a part of.

"I'm so sad we won't be working together anymore!" Lyla whined as she poured the remaining drops of wine into our glasses. "I'm going to have all my scenes with Ima now," the blonde gagged, making it hard for either of us to hold back our laughter. Ima wasn't always the way she is now. When we started out she was down to earth, but fame affects everyone differently...and fame...if you could really call being known for what we do being famous, it turned her into a bitch.

"Gemma needs more help with the books I guess. Pretty sure my dad just didn't want to walk in on me filming now that they bought Cara Cara," I sipped my wine leaning back on the old sofa. "As long as my bills get paid I'll do whatever."

"Let's just find ourselves some rich men and we will be set!" Lyla suggests throwing her arms up in the air. She grinned at the idea looking as if she was lost in thought. "I haven't gone on a proper date in I don't know how long...maybe since before Harper." She scrunched her nose.

"My friend Opie's new to the signal scene...I could set you up if you wanted," I smiled thinking about how cute of a couple they would make. Opie had been on a crow eater binge since his Donna filed for divorce, and I knew it was just going to get worse when things were finalized. He needed a girl who wouldn't turn his nose up at his line of work...and a girl who wasn't in it just to say she was with a son. "I wouldn't bring him up if I didn't think he was a good guy."

"I'll think about it," she agreed as an evil grin dancing onto her lips. "And what about you??"

"Every time I think it's going somewhere the guy finds out who my dad is and runs away scared so I'm taking a break." Lyla nodded knowingly before changing the subject. We talked about Harper and what my new job would entail before finally deciding it was time to call it a night. I had a cigarette dangling from my lips when motor bikes pulled up. Noticing the mayans patches my body instantly stiffened.

"Are you lost?" One of the men asked, eyeing me slowly. I pulled my coat closer against my body looking around for my cab, but it was still nowhere in sight. "This isn't a safe neighbourhood." His voice softened as he looked over at the guy beside him.

"I'm not lost." I stated.

"You look familiar," he stared at me harder. Please don't know who I am. Please don't know who I am.

"I get that a lot," I shrugged. "And honestly I'm not worried about the neighbourhood. I'm here all the time. My cab is just running late." I shrugged him off. He probably knew me from porn not from being a Morrow. Why the hell would he know that about me. Dad made sure most other MC's knew very little about me.

"If you say so. Have yourself a good night." The man pulled away driving off into the night and I let out a deep breath the second man's eyes lingering on me as he stayed there. They were such warm eyes and the way his lips moulded into a smile made my heart flutter for a moment but I shook myself out of it. He was a Mayan. I was the daughter of a son. The history between the mayans and the sons had never been good and I didn't want to be pulled into that by mistake.

"I can give you a ride if you need." He offered holding out a second helmet to me. "My brothers right this neighbourhood isn't a safe place." I should have said no but before I could get the word out I was placing the helmet on my head and straddling the handsome stranger. One ride wouldn't hurt.

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