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'Do you even recognize yourself?'

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'Do you even recognize yourself?'

I have learned the hard way that love doesn't always come easy. I don't just mean romantic love. I mean all love. You see I have always felt love from my adopted family that was the sons of anarchy. Without question I knew those men would do just about anything for me. Yet when it came to my father I knew if it came down to him or I he would choose himself. He never loved me. He may have said it, but he never meant it. To him it was a show. A power play. Something he could dangle in front of me and then steal away to show me he was still in control.

Staring at EZ now as he dreamed I wondered if this charade would also give him a messed up view on love. I was using him. I couldn't spin it any other way no matter how hard I tried.

"How you feeling beautiful?" EZ mumbled nuzzling into my neck.

"Exhausted," I replied.

"Well how about we just lay in bed all day hmm? How does that sound?" EZ suggest as he began to kiss down my neck.

"Life goes on Ezekiel. I'll call you later," I kissed him one last time and slid out of bed. My cheek had a nice bruise on it, and the cut on my lip was crusted over. I looked like a broken women. Then again maybe I was one. Maybe I was just a shell of a women desperately seeking her father's approval. I would never get it. So it was time I changed the game to something I could actually win.


"Ms marrow I didn't realize I would be seeing you today," Galindo grinned as I walked into his office. He gave me a long look before pinching the bridge of his nose. "Who did this to you?"

"Does it matter?" I questioned.

"It does. No man should lay a hand on a women so was it the prospect? Or should I be looking for someone else?" Galindo motioned for me to sit down his eyes furrowing as he stared at me intently.

"My father." My words had no feeling behind them. "So let's make a deal I give you what you want and you give me what I want?"

"And what is it you want Ms Marrow?"

"My father out of my life." The words dripped like poison off my tongue. "Preferably dead."

"Are you sure about that? Galindo questioned. "Because once I put it in motion it can't be undone. How about you think about it for a few days? Now what information do you have about the prospect?"

"You ever wonder how his sentence was cut so short? I mean the kid called a cop. Most people who do that rot behind bars...he didn't though now did he," I walked out of the office Galindos voice yelling after me that he didn't have time for my riddles so I stopped and yelled back. "I'll give you a few days to think about it."

Maybe it was me - SOA/Mayan MC CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now