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'Stay a little while'

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'Stay a little while'

The three of us had gotten a little to drunk to drive so we were stuck at the clubhouse for the night. This didn't bother me in the least. I didn't feel like going home to my new apartment if I did I would have to start unpacking, and I had unpacked enough shit for today. I liked my old apartment. It had history. Gemma on the other hand hated it said it was in an awful neighbourhood and insisted I move closer. The moment she used the word unsafe my Dad didn't even think twice. So despite me being an adult who could make her own decisions I was now living in a new apartment.

"Should have guessed it would be you two keeping him here," Tara chuckled walking into the bar. She was still in her scrubs as she sat down next to Jax. A huge grin crept across my step brothers face. Tara was his Achilles heal...maybe that's why Gemma hated her so much. She was the only thing that would ever make Jax question if the club was worth it. "His texts had just turned into gibberish all I could make out was the word ride so I figured I should just swing by."

"Well have a drink stay a while doc. I'm sure you could use it," Opie slid the bottle of tequila to her. Tara stared at it for a while contemplating what to do before passing it back. "Gemma has Abel but I think we should probably head home. It's been a long day."

"Well don't be a stranger." I smiled attempting to help take Jax to the car but I was is no state so I decided to stay with Opie. "I should head to bed. What dorms free?"

"Pretty sure Juice isn't here. I don't think he would mind if you borrowed his bed." Opie said standing up and using me for balance. We stumbled to the dorm rooms together trying not to laugh and wake anyone else up. It felt like we were teenagers again sneaking liquor and trying not to get caught.

"I would really like to get to know Lyla better," Opie commented before sliding into his room. I made my way to Juice's room my head spinning as I flopped down on the twin bed.

"Fuck this bed is lumpy," I groaned reaching for the nightstand table.

"The beds fine. But you definitely bagged me," Juice moaned making me jump up. "Why are you in my room?"

"Opie said it was free and I couldn't drive. I'm sorry I'll go sleep in the office." I felt so embarrassed as I stood in the doorway.

"Just come cuddle me," he mumbled opening his arms so I could slide in. "That way we both get a good sleep." We had began to do this on occasion about a month ago. Both of us knowing it was completely platonic, but realizing that we were in the same lonely mindset. We agreed drunk cuddling on occasion would help fill the void of being single at least for a night.

I woke up wrapped in Juice's arms. His light snores filling the dorm room. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to stay like this longer, but there were consequences to being caught with him. Neither of us needed to find out what those were.
"Five more minutes." He complained tightening his grip as I tried to wiggle away.

"I need to leave before someone sees me," I argued. "They'll get the wrong idea and we don't need that." His eyes fluttered open just so he could roll them.

"I hate that you're right." He groaned picking up my phone and giving me a strange look. "Whose Eziekel?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "You find yourself someone special." He sat up holding the phone away from me as I reached for it. "Should I be jealous?"

"Drop it okay. He's no one. Just some guy." I got defensive.

"So I can pick up then?" He teased making my face go white. "Adi? Adi I'm just kidding who is he?"

"He's a Mayan you cant tell anyone." I whispered unsure if he even heard because my voice was so quite. Juice pulled me against him and began to pet my hair.

"You can't contact him again. Promise me."

"I promise." I lied.

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