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'Unhappy Birthday'

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'Unhappy Birthday'

I slept in my own apartment. Turned off my phone and pretended like I was the only person on the planet for the night. Or at least that's what I wanted to do. Jax and Opie had other ideas. The minute midnight rolled around they burst into my house with bottles of beer singing happy birthday loudly, and off key. Both were clearly already drunk. I loved these idiots, I did, but I wanted space.

"I was sleeping..." I complained as the two squished me into a hug. "Can't we celebrate tomorrow?"

"It is tomorrow!" Opie argued. "And it's tradition."

"You two hate tradition." I whined.

"Some yes. This one no. We have celebrated each other's birthdays at midnight on the dot every year since what we were thirteen." Jax shook his head in disapproval. "Now down your beer while I go grab shot glasses." I did as I was told hoping that the alcohol would make me feel better. It didn't. My mind just danced around the idea of Juice more. Did I want to be his old lady. No. No I couldn't possibly want that. I had told myself at a young age I would never marry a man who was part of an MC, because then it gave my kids a fighting chance. They deserved a better life. Despite this being my life, and despite not wanting to change it for anything I wanted to make sure my own children had more options.

Ez - happy birthday beautiful 😘

Juice - I'm such a dickhead. Please forgive me.

Juice - who does that to someone right before there birthday.

Juice - happy birthday again I am so so sorry.

My phone buzzed frantically when I turned it back on but I chose to ignore everyone. I would spend the night with the two men who had my back no matter what. I didn't need a boyfriend. EZ was business. Juice was...well I haven't figured that out yet.

Maybe it was me - SOA/Mayan MC CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now