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'Keep your composure'

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'Keep your composure'

I felt guilty as I stared at Eziekels number in my phone. Our contact was now my job and even though my flirting was 100% real it still felt fake. Like I was using him for personal gain and wasn't I? There was a contract with my signature in a safe. A deal that if I got caught there would be consequences. What kind of consistencies that I didn't know.

"Do you believe in Karma?" I asked Juice when he joined me first my smoke break.

"A little. Why are you changing your mind about the Galindo deal?" He questioned squeezing my knee. I pursed my lips and thought about how to answer this. I didn't really have a choice now did I. It was for the club. The club was my family. You don't say no when it's to help your family.

"No. I'm just wondering how baldy I'll pay for this. What if he turns out to be a good guy?" Juice scoffed at this. Of course he didn't think EZ would be a good guy. He was a Mayan to him and every other son the mayans were trash. An obstacle in the way of being the club with the most control.

"You have to big of a heart Adi. Don't let this guy get to you. He's not worth it." Juice frowned placing a soft kiss on my temple. It was already to late every time EZ texted me my heart skipped. I was like a love drunk puppy. I craved his touch and it was only going on to month two. There had been dates and heated make out sessions, but nothing further. I learned his mother was murdered and that he and his brother had a complicated relationship nothing that Miguel didn't already know. He insisted I kept digging that things would be discovered, but I wasn't sure. He seemed like a normal enough club member. To me there was no clear reason why Miguel Galindo hated him so much.

"You ever think of making him your old man?" Gemma questioned when I walked back into the office. She was looking at Juice as he fixed up some ladies car. I followed her gaze to the handsome mow-hawked man who was whistling as he worked. "He seems to have quite the soft spot for you and he's very devoted to the club."

"We're just friends Gem." I replied thinking about how many times I had slept in his bed. The way his arms wrapped around me always making me feel safe, and then there was the night we got to drunk and kissed. Both of us pulled away but a second later our mouths attached again clothes scattered across the room and the agreement it couldn't happen again...even though we didn't regret it. Or at least I didn't regret it. Juice never did say. "Why ruin a good thing?"

"Because sweetie, friends don't look at each other the way he looks at you." She kissed my head. "Don't you have a fake date to get to?"

"Yeah I was just heading out." I stole one last look at Juice. Did he look at me differently? No. No he didn't Gemma was just full of it.


"Hey beautiful," EZ greeted placing a soft kiss on my cheek before sitting down and picking up his menu. He looked like he hadn't been sleeping. There was large bags under his eyes and an exhausted tone to his voice. "How's your week been?"

"Not bad. What's bothering you? You know you can talk to me right," I grabbed his hands in mine trying to get his attention on me. When our eyes met I could see his were bloodshot. Something had to be going on with the club. No one looked like this if things were going well."

"Club shit. Don't need to put that on you. Can we go back to my place. Just lay on the sofa?" He looked defeated as he asked.

"Yes but I'll drive. Don't want you falling asleep behind the wheel." EZ agreed letting me load his bike into the back of the truck. It was a quick two minute drive before we pulled up to the house he shared with his brother. The place was a pig sty to say the least. Like a women had never even been through the threshold. I followed Ez to the sofa where he instantly collapsed pulling me onto him. I kissed him slowly moving so I could straddle him.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk?" I offered again trying my best not to pry to obviously but again he declined a devilish grin dancing onto his lips.

"I can think of a better way to spend our time."

"Oh is that so? Do tell." He scooped me up and carried me to the bedroom softly tossing me onto the bed. He was right this was better.


I tried to tame my curls before I went home but it was no use. The flew out of my ponytail making me look like a crazy person but I could stop smiling. The way he touched me and the way he held me made me feel like nothing else mattered. I stared down at my phone before I finished getting dressed.

Juice - is he better in bed then me?

"Why don't you just stay the night?" EZ suggested kissing my bare shoulder.

"Another time I promise." I turned around and kissed him as deeply as I could the guilt getting the best of me yet again. Instead of driving to my house I drove to the clubhouse and marched straight to Juices dorm room.

"Do you knock?" He groaned.

"What the hell was that text?" I demanded shoving my phone in my face. "Are you actually jealous? I thought you were just kidding the other day. Our deal didn't involve feelings...YOU made that clear."

"Are you going to answer me?" His voice was low as he backed me against the wall. "I don't think you fucking a Mayan was part of your deal..."

"Who I fuck is none of your business," I barked. Juice silenced me with a kiss my hands traveling to the hem of his shirt as I pulled it off of him. I was getting lost in the heat of the moment.

"Because it's killing me knowing you're with someone else. Even if it's fake." I backed him onto the bed making him fall down. "It's still fake isn't it?"

"Why do you only want me when someone else has me?" I backed away searching for the door handle as I held eye contact. "This isn't a game. I'm not a prize. I gave you so many chances to make what we are doing more, but you like every other man I've ever know is scared of my father. Get over it, because I'm over you, and whatever the hell this was."

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