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'I wish I loved you longer'

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'I wish I loved you longer'

There would be an obituary printed about Ezekiel Reyes that I would read back to myself on days I missed him. Reminding myself that in this life some jobs consume you when they shouldn't. I would mourn him in public and cherish him in private because in reality Ezekiel Reyes was not dead. He was somewhere starting a new life. A free life. A life that didn't cover him in blood. The life we wanted together, but the one we would never have. A part of me would always love him, but that same part knew better. My heart belonged to someone else.


"You need to get out of town as fast as you can. There's no looking back do you understand!" Juice said frantically. EZ's brother stood at a truck and began to pile everything his brother owned into it. He was expressionless as he watched me. "They find you and you're dead. Your life here is nothing but a memory now."

"Why are you helping me?" EZ questioned. Juice shrugged his eyes meeting mine.

"It's complicated." He replied. We didn't stick around much longer. There was no big goodbye, and proclamation of love. If there was I don't think it would have gone so smoothly. He was gone forever and I was going to have to learn to live with that. He would find someone else. He deserved that. In all honesty he deserved much more then I could ever give him.


"Will you tell me why?" I sat on the edge of Juices bed carefully pulling a towel through my damp curls. "You hated him."

"But I love you, and I know how much it would have destroyed you if he was killed," Juice replied squatting down in front of me.


"But nothing. You ran away before I could explain why it wasn't that simple. You've changed Adi. You've grown cold and I hate that. I hate seeing parts of your father in you. You aren't a cold hearted person, but he turned you into one and I plan to turn you back into the women I know you really are. I love you, and if I'm being honest I hate you at the same time, but we will figure it out somehow, because the love is stronger then the hate."

"If he finds out what you did he'll kill you," I began to cry. All of the emotions I had been bottling up for the past month bubbled over. He was right I was my father. I needed to change things before it was to late. "I need to go see Gemma."

"I'll take you to her. And don't you worry they won't find out...We have the club on our side."

Maybe it was me - SOA/Mayan MC CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now