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'Little girl you should know better'

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'Little girl you should know better'

"You sleep here last night?" My dad asked as he ruffled my hair getting his rings caught in the mess of curls that hadn't been brushed through in a week.

"Couldn't drive home. Figured why not," I shrugged gulping back the rest of my coffee. "Better get to the office before Gemma gets pissed."

"I have something else I need you to do for me today." His voice changed his expression growing darker. "Something for the club."

"What exactly do you need me to do?"


I found myself showered and driving towards the office of Miguel Galindo an hour later. My heart was pounding rapidly in my chest after my father explained to me that there were even details he was uncertain about, but the only way that the sons were to be on good terms with the cartel would be if I helped with this. So here I was being escorted down a long hallway by a man with braids. I felt self conscious as I stared at the back of his head. Not a single hair was out of place unlike my own untameable lion mane.

"Ms Morrow please sit down." Another suited man smiled at me. I could only assume this was Miguel by the way he carried himself. If was as if he knew he was untouchable. "My name is Miguel." He stuck out his hand and I shook it firmly trying to swallow my uncertainty. "You're much more beautiful then I imagined."

"Thanks," I cleared my throat. "I got my looks from my mother." This caused him to chuckle and loosen his shoulders. We both sat down and he began to place photos down in-front of me. Photos of a man I already knew. Eziekel Reyes.

"This man here is Eziekel Reyes. He is the mayans newest prospect." Miguel began. "What I need you to do is get close to him. You see I don't think he can be trusted."

"And why don't you just get one of your men to do it?" I inquired.

"Because I need it to be discreet. He won't know you're working for me." He explained. "This will be beneficial to the sons as well." He gave me a pointed look.

"Tell me something before I decide," I cross my legs and lean across the table taking a photo from the pile. "Why me? Why is it you want me to do this instead of someone else?"

"Because you're his type. Blonde and beautiful with a brain whose able to stand her own. There's no way he won't open up to you." Miguel laughed taking the photo back and shoving it into the briefcase. "You have two days to decide. I know which choice I would make."

"They call you the devil don't they?" A smirk grew across his face. "I've always been taught not to make deals with the devil they tend to get you killed."

"Miss Morrow, I know your track record. A small deal like this won't hurt you any. I promise you at the end of the day your hands won't be the ones with blood on them." He stood up to shake my hand and escort me out of the office. "I'll pay you more then Luanne if that makes your decision any easier."

"You promise nothing happens to my club."

"You have my word." Miguel smirked and I didn't believe him for a second but I knew I had no other choice but to agree. At least this meant I could see Eziekel again...what could possibly go wrong. I would be benefiting Miguel and myself this way.

"You have yourself a deal."

Maybe it was me - SOA/Mayan MC CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now