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'Stupid little sister'

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'Stupid little sister'

The thing about secrets in a family like ours was things never seemed to stay a secret for long. My step mother always had a way of getting everything and anything out of us. Wether it was which one of us had snuck out the night before or who had been into my fathers good bourbon. The answer was always both of us, but we never through the other under the bus. Jax was my partner in crime. If you saw one of running the other wouldn't be far behind yelling to run faster. In the beginning this worried my father, but over time he realized it was good to have me close to club members my age. It kept me safe or so he thought.

"Get into to much wine last night baby?" Gemma asked when I walked into the office. I tipped my sunglasses at her nodding a simple yes which made the older women chuckle. "You two are trouble aren't you."

"Me? Never!" I joked feeling a pain in the side of my head. "Fucking hangovers." I mumbled. There was a large pile of files on the desk, and the drawers to the filing cabinet were all open, and clearly in shambles. Dad wasn't kidding when he said Gemma needed my help. "Where do you want me to start?" I motioned to the different piles knowing that they would only make my headache worse.

"Go to the bar and grab us coffees we are in for a long day. I need this all organized by tomorrow," Gemma instructed before shoving me out the door. I did as told, and went to grab coffees. Jax was leaning on the bar nursing a bottle of beer and swearing at his phone.

"Girl troubles?" I questioned walking over to him.

"Sort of..." he scrunched his nose. "But you're the girl and I'm hoping Hale is full of shit. Did you...were you...tell me you aren't fucking a Mayan." I felt like I was going to vomit as he watched me with a stern expression.

"No." I said flatly realizing what he had seen. Fucking David Hale and his big mouth. "I was waiting for me cab that turns out was never coming and a guy offered me a ride. I didn't realize he was one of them until I had already accepted and then it would have been fishy to all of a sudden jumped off." I defended myself.

"He could have been a murder for fuck sakes Adelaide ." My brother scolded. "Next time call me, and for fuck sakes don't let Gem or Clay hear about this. They would kill both of us."

"Sorry I wasn't thinking I guess...I just wanted to be home and yeah of course my lips are sealed." I walked into the kitchen my heart feeling as if it was going to burst out of my chest. I needed to shake this feeling off...I knew better but there was something about him that just made me feel like I could trust him. Fuck why was I being so stupid...probably shouldn't mention I gave him my number to anyone. Don't need that to bite me in the ass to.

"Took you long enough," Gemma complained grabbing the coffee from my hand. "That file cabinet needs to be alphabetized you can start there." She instructed. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket but I chose to ignore it. It was probably Lyla complaining about her hangover or one of the other girls complaining that work wasn't the same without me. There's no way it was Ezekiel , but I pathetically wanted it to be.

The day went surprisingly fast. Gemma and I mostly kept to ourselves other then some small talk when we needed a short break. And even that was just her bitching about how Tara isn't good enough for Jax which I always found entertaining. Tara was a good girl and the love of my brothers life so I did my best to defend her but that fell on deaf ears.
"How are my girls doing?" My dad asked walking over to kiss Gemma.

"We finished! Thank god!" Gemma told him smiling at me. "Adi deserves a drink for putting up with it really."

"Jax and Opie are in the bar I'm sure they would love her to join them, but I was thinking we would go home. I'll talk to ya late kid," he ruffled my hair and escorted Gemma to her car leaving me alone to drink with my friends. I sat down mid conversation and chose to check my phone instead of butting in. It wasn't Lyla who texted me earlier. I was staring at a number I didn't know and couldn't wipe the stupid smile off my face.

Ez- Hey it's Eziekel. I just wanted to see how you were feeling.

Adi- Hey! Sorry I didn't reply earlier I was busy with work. I'm doing pretty good. Thanks for the ride again.

I chewed on my thumb nail after I pressed send wondering how long it would take for him to reply, but my phone dinged instant.

Ez- it was my pleasure. Maybe I can see you again sometime?"

"Adi why are you smiling like an idiot?" Opie waved his hand infront of my face.

"Because I'm allowed to smile I don't need a reason you ass," I punched him in the shoulder. "You remember my friend Lyla?"

"Yeah she's super hot and seems really nice why?" Opie gave me a weird look.

"Just thinking you would make a cute couple...maybe you should give her your number next time she's around?" I elbowed him playfully trying to get his mind off of me, and who I was texting.

"Shouldn't you be focusing on your love life not mine?"

"There's nothing to focus on." I mumbled. I couldn't see Eziekel again it wouldn't be right. We would never work. It would be to much of a risk...but weren't some risks worth it? "It was just a thought..."

"I think you should go for it Opie." Jax chimed in. "I don't want both of my friends to be sad and lonely forever."

"You're an ass," I laughed throwing a coaster at his head and pulling my phone back out.

Adi- I would really like that

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