I Hate It

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Over the summer a lot had happened and the best thing was that Danny's boyfriend had come to visit. Danny's boyfriend always came to visit over the summer for a week and Danny was very happy when he did. He didn't have to travel as far to see his boyfriend, he just had to go to where he was staying while he was in London.

Several 'natural disasters' had struck the muggle world as well, Danny had been keeping a close eye out for the disaster. When it happened Danny would go out with a team of ghosts and save as many people as possible so casualties were lower then they would have been. No one from the Order had even tried recruiting the ghosts to fight Voldemort which he found annoying.

He'd know if they did because they would have had to talk to him directly since he's the prince. It was annoying because it would be easy to get into contact with him through one of the ghosts at Hogwarts. His episodes were about the same, some were less severe then others but the bad days were called that for a reason.

Death had started appearing in front of him of his own accord but never around people because that would be bad. Danny was currently sitting in a small cafe at the train station reading the Daily Prophet at a table. There were articles about all kinds of things, including him, but he was reading one about the Malfoy's at the moment.

Lucius was being tried as a death eater, so on and so on, can't they ever write about something good happening in the paper? He then noticed the waitress moving to stand in front of him at his table, "Danny Phantom, who's Danny Phantom?"

Danny put his paper down, "No one important."

She smiled, "Funny that paper of yours, couple nights ago I could have sworn I saw one of the pictures move."

"Really now?"

"While I was going around the train." She started to walk away before she spoke again, "Eleven that's when I get off, you can tell me all about Danny Phantom."

She walked back behind the counter and Danny felt like hitting his head on the table, this happened way too often. He didn't even like girls, well it was possible that he did but he had never liked a girl before and either way he had a boyfriend. He wanted to hit his head on the table but that probably wasn't a good idea at the moment.

Death spoke, "The window."

Danny looked out the window at a shop, it had a sign that said 'magic' in the window and a train moved in the way. When it passed he saw Dumbledore standing there, he felt a bit bad just up and leaving the girl without an explanation but he had to go. He had to go above ground, cross the street, and go back down before walking up to Dumbledore.

After he was at the older man's side Dumbledore spoke, "You've been reckless this summer Danny."

Danny shrugged, "I like riding on trains, it helps."

Riding on trains really did help, his insomnia wasn't as bad if he did and it kept him calm so he didn't have episodes as often. Danny then noticed Dumbledore's hand, it was partially black and it looked like it might even be painful. Dumbledore noticed that Danny saw his hand, "Rather unpleasant to behold isn't it, the tale is thrilling if I say so myself but now is not the time to tell it."

Dumbledore held out his arm, "Take my arm."

Danny mentally sighed before grabbing onto Dumbledore's arm and he felt a weird tug as he and Dumbledore suddenly moved and appeared somewhere new. Danny didn't like the feeling, he preferred teleporting, it was much more pleasant, just a split second and you were there, no horrible feelings with it.

Danny looked at Dumbledore, "Did I just apparate?"

"Indeed, quite successfully too, must people vomit the first time."

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