Chapter 1~

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Sal Fisher, an unusual 15 year old boy with a face prosthetic had just stepped out of a car after a long 6 hour long drive to Nockfell from New Jersey.


I rubbed my arms slightly as the chilly November air pricked at my exposed skin, I regretted wearing my white T-shirt instead of my usual black jumper, but New Jersey wasn't this cold, how was I supposed to know it'd be colder? My legs also ached from sitting so long, the drive was boring as hell. I looked up at the tall apartment building before me, it looks so old... I wonder if I'll be able to make friends here, maybe things will be better. I stopped shivering as I got to work, my dad called out to me from the back of the car.
" Hey Sal! Start taking boxes up! Our room should be 402!"
His voice sounded exhausted but excited. I called back with a tired ok before walking to the back of the car picking up two of the many boxes. I walked towards the eerie-vibed building the sound of gravel crunching under my feet before stepping on the surprisingly nice smooth pathed sidewalk. I walked in, the apartments not only looked a little old but smelt kind of off. Stepping into the elevator nearby I examined the buttons, there was a floor 5 but a sign said to stay away from in, then there was what I assumed was basement level? It required a keycard. I shuffled the boxes a bit to avoid them being dropped pressing the button for the 4th floor.
The music was a somewhat jazzy orchestral song, it wasn't really my taste, I sighed in relief as the elevator dinged and the doors opened. I stepped out looking up and down the hallway, I noticed the door with a shiny plate that read the numbers 402. I slowly opened the door setting the boxes down. My dad had already brought up 8. I needed to get my ass in gear. I immediately ran into the elevator, spam-pressing the button for the lobby floor. When the doors open I went to run out not thinking, I felt wind knock out of me as I fell onto my back, I had collided with a curly ginger boy. He remained standing, he blinked before reaching his hand out.
" Ah shoot, sorry about that"
I took his hand getting to my feet, I awkwardly replied.  " Heh, it's okay, I was in a rush. "
He nodded before pushing his glasses up.
" I'm Todd, you must be new around here?"
I blinked and awkwardly smiled, of course it wasn't seen due to my prosthetic.
" nice to meet you, I'm Sal. "
He smiled nodding before waving and going into the elevator before it closed. I breathed out, that was awkward as hell. I walked outside getting hit with the cold air, I shuddered before grabbing another box from the car.

2 hours later ( Still Sals POV)

I groaned flopping backwards onto the old uncomfortable couch, I just finished putting my room together. My dad was typing something on his laptop, probably for work. I was about to go sit in my room and play on my gear-boy when my dad spoke out in a tired monotone voice.
" Hey Sal, bud, you should go try and meet the neighbors."
I sighed nodding before getting up, I slipped on my black jacket since I didn't feel like anyone should have to see the finally fading scars on my arms. These scars were from incidents that we well... don't talk about here.
         I walked out of the small apartment, nobody was available/home on my floor so I went down to floor 3. I ended up meeting a plumpy boy named Chug, some weird anorexic guy named David, he had a bad smell come from his room when he opened the door, and some pretty cool college students. I went down to floor 2. I avoided one of the doors since I could hear a very faint but cringe-worthy kids show. I knocked onto a door with a silver plate that read the numbers 202. A tall ginger couple who looked out of it answered the door, the smell of weed was strong, I saw Todd behind them and gave a small wave, he returned it. The couple talked like hippies so I left. I ran into a tall girl, she had long brown hair and wore a janitors outfit. She smiled very sweetly at me, I was surprised a certain question hadn't  been asked yet but then it happened,
" Hello there young lady, are you one of the new tenants? "
I awkwardly chuckled before answering, I knew this would happen soon.
" Hello, yes I am, I'm a boy though, names Sal. "
She looked shocked but she realized my deeper voice as well which helped, she simply smiled sweetly.
" I'm Lisa, you should meet my son, Larry, he's about your age, we live in the basement so you might need one of these. "
She held out a keycard, probably for the basement. I took the card smiling, of course she didn't know that.
"Thank you Lisa, have a nice day"
She smiled as I turned and walked into the elevator slipping the keycard in. Cheesy pop played in the elevator as it creeped down the building. I stepped out and slowly walked into the apartment ahead of me. The apartment smelt nice, like cinnamon... and pizza? I didn't question it, I slowly walked around seeing a few photos of what seemed to be quite the happy family, I recognized Lisa in the frame. I then noticed a door, it said keep out. I realized it must be Larry's. I knocked on door, a rough but open voice called out, " Come in!"
I walked in seeing a tall skinny boy, he wore a shirt that said SF, his long brown hair went to his waist. He's kind of... hot... jesus Sal? Stop thinking these things! I pushed the gay thoughts out of my head and spoke out, " Hey uhm... I'm Sal... I just moved here, your mom said I should meet you."
The tall boy smiled, he could tell I was a guy from my voice I hoped, " Nice to meet you dude, I'm Larry. "
I noticed he was staring at my prosthetic, I knew what he was going to ask.
" So uh, what's with the mask?" Larry tilted his head slightly.
" Oh... it's a prosthetic." I awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck.
" Oh shit... sorry dude" the room was silent for a little bit before Larry spoke up.
" You like Sanity Falls?"
I blinked before a shine of blue confusion crossed my eyes. " Never heard of it or them..?"
Larry gasped, he seemed playfully offended, that brought a smile on my face. Which couldn't be seen.
" Dude you have to listen to them! Get over here"
I followed him over to a radio, a loud metal song started to play. Larry headbanged, I stood confused for a minute before joining him. After headbanging till we could no more we laughed and plopped back onto some beanbags.
Lisa came home and notified me that my dad wanted me home, I got up and before leaving I looked back at Larry. " See you.. tomorrow?" Larry nodded and smiled, " Hell yeah dude. " I smiled and left the soft pop playing in the elevator.

I think this is going to be a good year.

1256 words,
wow, let me know if the chapters should be shorter or longer or just around 1,000 like they are now. This is my first story so give all the feedback you can. I'm sorry for my grammar, I truly am not made to write, lol.

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