Chapter 6~

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Larry POV

I sat in class my pencil making small sounds as I drew on my paper, it has been about 2 weeks since Sal moved to Nockfell. I couldn't get him off my mind and it certainly didn't help when I realized I was drawing him. I looked up from where I was sitting in 1st period and stared at Sal taking notes. He was just so small and... gorgeous, his eyes were filled with sadness, calm, despair, fixation, and overall just so beautiful. Wait!? What am I thinking!? I'm not gay or something, god I'm glad my mind is not accessible by anyone else. I saw him look back at me and I smiled softly, he quickly turned back around. He's been way more nervous lately, I'll have to ask him what's up later. The bell then rang for 2nd period, I didn't have it with Sal sadly. He had chemistry with Todd this hour, I had Math with Ash. That rhymed unintentionally...
I met up with Ash in the hall and we went to math. We sat next to eachother in the back and sure enough I found myself drawing Sal again. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked up and my gaze met with Ash's.
" Larry," she started " are you gay for... well uhm, sal?"
I couldn't help but blush and I quickly stumbled over words to answer.
" n-no! Why would I? I'm not gay, and Sal is my uh... best friend!" I felt uncomfortable saying he was my best friend and I don't know why, maybe I did want him to be something more.
Ash smirked and poked my forehead,
" You are a terrible terrible liar, Larry"
I blushed uncontrollably and put my face in my arms. Mumbling out to her.
" so what if I do....?"
She sat back down as the bell rang and whispered over to me.
" I won't leave you alone about it now~"
I groaned as the teacher yelled out for the class to quiet. It was going to be a long day.

The bell for the end of 2nd period rang, dread filling me. It was time for 3rd period, I had no friends in that class, usually I wouldn't mind but... Travis was in that class with me. Math was the worst, at least lunch was after it, right?
I sat in a seat near the back, I doodled stick figures all over my sketch book, it ended up as a comic about this guy stealing his neighbors cat. I felt fear and uneasiness wash over me as Travis arrived and immediately sat next to me, he leaned over to me and whispered.
" faggot."
I looked at him and smirked,  I usually made comments back.
" kiss your daddy with that tongue?"
Travis's dark eyes had a shine of anger as he got up, to probably punch me or something. He was forced to sit down by the ring of the bell. All throughout class we made these rude comments to each-other.
The bell rang, I grabbed my stuff going to leave. I was stopped by a firm hand gripping on my arm. I turned and met eyes with Travis.
" we aren't done here, sinner."
I smiled, smacking his hand off my arm and starting to leave. " And yet, we are"
Travis looked angry as we parted ways to our lockers. I got my stuff put back and as per usual, Larry was already at lunch. I walked to the cafeteria, as I opened the doors I smiled as Larry waved me over to where he and the others were sitting. Sadly it was two tables away from Travis's table. I walked towards the table I felt something hit my foot. Travis had stuck his foot out from where he was sitting. I flung forward smacking the ground. Larry got up to help me but was stopped when a bunch of people stared and laughed. They were making fun of me, I heard multiple comments along the laughter but then Travis leaned down and whispered in my ear.
" Fucking clumsy freak~"
I had enough I got up and ran out to the bathrooms as fast as I can, tears building up under my mask. I could hear Larry calling out for me. I slammed the bathroom door shut and locked it. I stared into the mirror dry heaving. I slowly took of my mask.
" god I am a freak..."
I inhaled deeply before slipping my mask back on and sitting down on the floor against the wall. I heard the bathroom door rattle.
"  Hey Sal? You in there? It's me."
It was Larry, I lifted my knees up to my 'face' I didn't want to waste his time with my problems. I spoke out, my voice cracking due to me breaking out in tears.
" g-go away. I-I'm just a freak. "
I grabbed my phone and began to take out the razor. Larry continued to try and get in.
" You're not a freak Blue. You're kind and caring, how about we just go eat lunch, or we can skip? "
I felt butterflies when he called me blue, but too many dark thoughts were in my head. I let out a large sob as the razor cut into my wrist with healing scabs and scars. I bit on my lip and managed to say something.
" I-I'll Be o-out in.... a 'hic' minute. "
I made a few cuts while saying that. My arms covered in crimson liquid that dripped onto the floor. Larry sighed through the door while I got up shaking to wash my arms in the sink.
" I swear to god Sal, you're not okay, I'm going to pick the lock. "
I panicked and rinsed my arms quickly. I wrapped them in toilet paper before sending my sleeves down. I heard the door unlocking, I had to be quick. I grabbed toilet paper and wiped the blood off the floor throwing them away, just in time for the door to open. I stood shaking, tears dripping out from the bottom of my prosthetic. Larry smiled sympathetically as he hugged me. He pet my hair and whispered softly.
" it's okay blue~ it's okay. "
I sobbed harder as I just stood not hugging him back.
" I'm s-sorry.. you... have to deal with... a crybaby like me. " I choked on a sob.
Larry held me tighter. " Blue you aren't a crybaby... you're my friend, you're human, you have feelings just like everyone else. Hell Sal, you mean a lot to me, more than you know. "
I finally hugged him back before we pulled away, I stopped crying and I smiled. He smiled back, he knew I was smiling by my eyes. It was short bliss.
He grabbed my wrists, I winced and he spoke out.
" Lets go skip or something. "
I nodded but I was wincing so much as he held my wrists.
Larry noticed this.
" Sal did you get hurt on your wrists when you fell? I'm sorry, here let me see them. "
I froze and pulled my wrists away.
" I-it's just a scrape it's fine..."
Larry seemed concerned, he shook his head grabbing my wrists again.
" you're a bad liar. "
He lifted my sleeves his face contorting in shock.
Larry's eyes soon filled with sadness. He looked up at me. I couldn't look at him as I sobbed. I felt something lift the bottom of my mask. I went to object but I was stopped as a pair of lips met mine.

Larry was kissing me.

1284 Words

Wow that was a longer chapter. I'm sorry this chapter came out so late, school has just been long and crappy lately. So love y'all, I'll try and get ch7 out later tonight or tomorrow. 💖

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