Chapter 7~

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Quick A/N. I'm very very sorry for not updating this, I've been stuck with trying to figure out what to do this and I've just had no motivation. But yeehaw here it is.

I didn't object to the kiss, I slowly kissed back. There in the quiet bathroom stood us, kissing. It was slow and passionate, it didn't last long though. I pulled away looking to the side sniffling. He only did that because I was being annoying and it'd shut me up.
Larry smiled as softly as he could.  He ever so lightly placed his hands onto my half-assed quick work of bandages. " Let's go get this properly taken care of, blue."
There it was again, he called me blue. I was still processing everything that just happened. I smiled slightly nodding. I pulled the mask back down over my mouth. " y-yeah... okay."
Larry grabbed my hand tightly causing pink to cover my cheeks. I squinted slightly at the bright sunlight as we stepped it of school.

At the apartments

I sat quietly on Larry's bed as he went to go get something. A lot of thoughts filled my head.
He probably thinks I'm some broken freak now, I'm just wasting his time. That kiss wasn't real. I'm just getting my hopes up.

I was snapped back to reality as Larry opened the door. He smiled softly, though sadness danced in his brown eyes. I stayed quiet.
" hey Sal, take off your shirt please."
I looked confused for a moment then realized the Med kit in his hand. I slipped off my shirt, revealing the cuts, scabs, and scars littered on my arms. Atleast he didn't know about the ones on my thighs.

Larry looked even more sad as he realized how many old scars there were. He crouched down and got the peroxide. " blue  this might hurt"
I nodded quietly, staring at him softly as he dabbed the cotton dipped with peroxide on the thin cuts. My breathing hitched and I hissed a little each dab. Larry was mumbling something, I couldn't tell wha though.When he finished wrapping my arms with the bandages I slipped my shirt on again. It remained a uncomfortable quiet. He finally spoke, I honestly thought it was going to be about how it was fucked up of me to make him deal with this. But I was wrong of course.
" Why don't you talk to any of us about anything you go through...' before I could respond his voice cracked fighting back tears ' you seemed like the happiest god damn person alive sal..."
I felt selfish and ashamed, I made Larry so sad and it wasn't... it wasn't right. " I-I'm sorry... just I don't think people should have to deal with my problems. " Larry looked slightly taken aback that I didn't even try to deny that I was upset like I usually would. He walked from his beanbag over to the bed and sat next to me.
" Blue, you can tell me about what happened... with you know... ' he gestured to my prosthetic' I'll listen and I won't judge. I mean I am your best friend after all " Larry gave the most god-damn adorable toothy smile. I smiled a little.
I begun to lift my hands to my prosthetic, " c-can I show you this?" Larry nodded, he honestly seemed excited about it. I unbuckled my mask with two clicks. It fell down into my lap. It revealed my slightly deformed jaw, my nose with part of it missing. The scars stretched deep into my face. The paleness of my glass eye compared to my real eye. I felt embarrassed. I looked into Larry's eyes expecting him to be disgusted, but he wasn't, he looked... happy?
Larry took his hand and caressed my face giving a soft smile. " God dAmn this is badass."
I never heard anyone say that about my face ever. Even my own father said it was disgusting. I couldn't help but start crying. Larry looked surprised and began panicking gay panic owo " a-ah jeez did I say something wrong? I'm sorry"
I quickly shook my head wiping my tears and giving him the softest smile I could. " No... just nobody has ever said something like that about my face. " Larry smiled brightly.
" Dude I never thought I'd ever get to see you smile. "
I let out a small breathy laugh. I returned to my serious state.
" Uhm... you should know how this came to be. ' I pointed at my face before looking down at the floor' you're right about me needing to talk about my problems more. " Larry nodded
" I'm all ears. "
I took a deep breath before starting. " I was about three years old, I used to love parks, like a whole god damn lot. " Larry nodded.
" you hate them now don't you?"
I slowly nodded, the room was silent for a moment before I continued. " My mom decided to have a picnic, we were by ourselves at first because my dad had to take a phone call in the car. I uh actually was a cute kid I'd like to say. I had a lot of freckles. " Larry seemed surprised that i had freckles, you could barely even notice them now unless you studied closely for them. " I noticed a big black dog on the tree line in the park and I begged my mom to go pet it. She kept denying  and saying to wait for my dad but finally gave in." Larry looked a little uneasy as he saw what direction this was going, I left out how guilty I felt for not shutting up and obeying her in the first place. " of course she said to wait for her to grab her purse. But I was a dumb kid, I didn't listen. I ran to the dog, I was roughly it's height since it was so big and I was so young. I reached out to pet it. " I stopped for a moment taking a big breath since I was close to crying. Larry certainly didn't expect what i said next. " it immediately latched onto my face, it's teeth went into my eye and tore it out. I screamed so loud which my mom ran over immediately . She watched as the dog tore apart my face and tear what was left of my eye apart. " I began crying as Larry watched sympathetically, he went to say something thinking that was the end of my story but I cut him off. " My mom tried to... rip the dog off of me, she succeeded of course. But It immediately tore into her throat and stomach. It ripped her organs out, killing her brutally. " Larry was surprised, he began to hug me tightly. My hands clutched to his back as I cried into his shoulder.
" I'm sorry you had to go through that blue.." genuine sympathy and sadness filled his voice.
" L-Larry..."
" yeah blue?"
" I-I hadn't passed out from the blood... I had to watch it happen to my mom..."
Larry stiffened for a moment before hugging me tighter. " It's okay blue... she's in a better place... having the best picnic ever I'm sure. No dogs are near, the sun is bright, the grass is green, you and your dad are there and you have a handsome young face. Lots of freckles too. Your dad is happy and not drunk. And I bet she is eating  the best food ever too. "
I smiled so much at this, what he explained seemed like the best thing ever. We sat and hugged in silence for a long time before I looked up into his once again warm honey brown eyes. " hey Larry?"
" yeah sal?"
" thanks... I really mean it." A light pink went onto my face, it wasn't hidden by a mask anymore. Larry smiled at the fact I was flustered by this.
" no problem blue. "
We continued to sit in silence and before I knew it I fell asleep in comfort of Larry's arms.

Larry pov

I looked down at sal in my arms, his scarred face at peace as he slept. I smiled softly, " cute" I leaned back onto my bed causing sal to lay with his head on my chest. I tucked us in as-well. It was only 3'o clock but a nap never hurt right? I wondered how the world could be so cruel to sal. He's the best person to live honestly. I really hope he doesn't hurt himself again now that he knows we are here for him. Or at least I am. The others don't know about this but I think I'll let Sal go at a steady pace to having everyone's support.
God I loved this small blue boy. I can't really deny it anymore, especially since I kissed him in the bathroom. I think I want to pretend that didn't happen, sal is already pretending it didn't. He kissed back though, does he feel the same?
I should the thought out of my head and slowly drifted off into a nap, with the small blue boy in my arms.

1532 words

I made this chapter longer to hopefully make up for slacking. Also make sure to check out my friend SilverSquidoe 's story:
Gracefully ignorant.
She's pretty dope and so is her story so yeah check it out.

Anyways yeah sorry for the late chapter. I'll try and get chapter 8 out on time 💖💖💖

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