Chapter 5

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I am not sure what to do this chapter so I'm winging it, let's just hope it ain't shit.
⚠️TW ⚠️


I stood in what seemed like the void, everything was black and all I could see was myself.
" hello! Where am I?"
I heard echoing. Then the light shone in from above, I was standing in a pit, I could see Travis, Ashley, Todd, Chug, Maple, Some New Jersey ex-friends, and.... Larry.
They all stood at the edge of it and I called up to them. " Hey guys! Can you give me a hand?!"
They suddenly burst into laughter, and as if it was liquid my prosthetic melted off my face in a gooey mess dripping onto the floor. They all stared at me and laughed calling me names.
" Wow such an UGLY face"
" How could I have been friends with THAT"
" You're so WORTHLESS"
" Just DIE in a ditch before we need to bleach our eyes"
These continued. Then Larry spoke louder than the rest.
" How could I have been friends with a HELPLESS LOSER with a MONSTROUS face?"
That hit me hard, his voice was so cold and filled with disgust. I felt myself cry until I heard footsteps behind me, I turned around.
There stood my mother, but her eyes were gouged out and her organs were hanging out. Her beautiful dress was stained in her blood and ripped in multiple places. She tilted her head to the side smiling.
" This is your fault "
I broke down sobbing, I opened my mouth to speak but my mother turned into a black blob and filled my mouth. I felt like I was dying, it was gooey and gross, clogging my throat. I felt as if I was going to die. Then a dog came from the darkness biting into my face.

A scream erupted.

I woke up, my hair sticking to my face from sweat, tears rolled down my face and dripped onto my lap from under the mask. I painted heavily, I could breathe again.
Larry shot up from where he was sitting on the other side of the treehouse.
" Jesus Christ! You okay?"
He didn't know about my nightmares. He didn't know about my medicine either. I knew he should know but I just couldn't in my current state. I sobbed and fell forward into his arms hugging him. Larry seemed put off for a moment and surprised before hugging me, he caught a grasp on the situation.
"Shhh, it was just a dream, blue."
It calmed me down as he called me blue, it, made me feel special, I felt my face heat up as he whispered calming things to me. I thought about how caring he was and how wonderful it felt to be in his arms.
Was I falling for Larry Johnson?
After I sobbed for a long time and sniffed sat on a beanbag next to Larry. It was quiet for a moment.
Larry smiled softly, " Do you want to talk about it?"
I softly shook my head, well here goes nothing.
" I... I have them all the time. Ever since an incident when I was little, which cost me my face and my mother's life. I've had really bad anxiety, depression, ptsd, and I have nightmares a lot due to it. I have insomnia due to this and I take a lot of medication for it." I inhaled and shook a bit, I felt like crying when I recalled the events with my mother.
Larry looked shocked and remained silent for a few minutes  before resting his hand on my shoulder as he turned to me.
" That's shitty, I think I know how to help, with your nightmares that is. "
I looked at him confused as he walked to a tin box digging into it. He pulled out two walkie talkies. He saw my confusion and explained handing one to me.
" whenever you have a nightmare just use this to contact me with this! " I stood there shocked for a moment before smiling softly under my mask and slipping the walkie talkie into my pocket. I looked up into his eyes, they were filled with warmth and car. The honey colored highlights of his chocolate eyes were easy to fall into. They were so... beautiful. I realized I was simply staring and I shook off whatever gay thoughts I was having. I nodded carefully. " Will do."
Larry smiled, his toothy grin was giving me a weird feeling in my stomach. He then spoke up.
" Wanna roll a blunt? "
I looked surprised and laughed a bit.
" so you are a total pothead?"
Larry gave a breathy laugh, " of course dude! I wouldn't be Larry if I weren't one" I giggled at this, for a second I thought I saw Larry blush, I was probably seeing things. I thought about it for a moment, " yeah sure why not"
Larry smiled and pulled a baggie of weed from under the beanbag. He rolled it up into two small blunts.
I sat on the floor with a blanket wrapped around me, It was pretty cold still even though it was 6 pm now. Larry handed me a blunt and I lifted my mask up a bit that revealed my lips and chin. There was scarring able to be seen, but it wasn't a lot of my face so I didn't mind. I noticed he was looking away and I inhaled deeply before going for it.
" I don't care if you look. "
Larry seemed surprised before smiling and looking at me. He didn't seem the mind the lip and chin scarring. He reached forward and lit my blunt. We sat there smoking for about an hour before standing up getting some cologne to cover the smell. I smiled st Larry checking the time, " Hey Lar, I gotta go before my dad kills me. "
Larry nodded and waved giving my a breathy goodbye. As I went to get down from the treehouse he stopped me. I looked at him curious, he whispered into my ear softly.
" if you have another nightmare use the walkie, I'll be here for you. "
I blushed under my mask, thankful for it. I nodded before getting down and walking back towards the apartments, my ribs didn't hurt so bad anymore.
The image of Larry smiling an adorable caring grin, his eyes shining with care and concern, him waning to protect me. It all filled my mind, I knew it for sure as I felt butterflies fill my stomach and my face become hot.

I fell for Larry Johnson, my best friend.

1100 words

Woo I hope you liked this chapter.

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