Chapter 3~

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At this point it's all Sal POV unless I say so. Like I might do larry pov later on in this story.
Also TW ⚠️


I breathed deeply as I walked into Nockfell high next to Larry, I could here them.
I could hear the whispers, I could feel the stares, I  Yes could hear and feel them all.

Thought Halloween already passed?
Bet that kid's hiding a ugly face
What a loser
Is that a girl or a boy?

I tried my best to ignore them but I couldn't help it when a feeling of sadness washed over me. Larry could tell something was up, he smiled softly with his toothy grin. " Don't worry dude, they're just assholes, ignore their bullshit. "
I smiled, which I hope he could tell I was smiling. I nodded before finally reaching my locker, it was next to Larry's. I opened the locker and grabbed the stuff for first period, history. We walked into the class, a boy that looked like he was made of highlighters at this point looked straight at me, his eyes filled with hatred. I felt uneasy by this, I took my seat which so horribly happened to be next to the highlighter kid's seat. Before the kid could speak the teacher walked in smiling, she was short stubby with big fat cheeks. Her curly a-line cut hair screamed strict (Karen ), but she seemed nice.
" Too start the class off, we have a new student everyone! Please introduce yourself. "
I felt anxiety pin me down, my hands felt sweaty as I slowly stood as all the faces stared at me, I could hear the whispers. I fought my anxiety and spoke out.
" Hi... I'm Sal Fisher, I moved here from New Jersey, and before anyone asks about the mask, it's a uh... Prosthetic. "
I sat down fidgeting with my pencil as all the stares of judgement got mixed with stares of fake pity.
Larry looked in my direction sympathetically but he gave a smile, that cheered me up a little.
" Alright thank you mr Fisher. I'm Mrs Harris, now then, let's begin."
As class began I tried to focus but I gave in and stared at my desk to avoid making eye contact with the people staring at me, I could still feel their glares burning into my skin as I fidgeted in my seat.
After trying to deal with it I couldn't handle it, I quietly raised my hand and was excused to the bathroom. I noticed a rather concerned gaze from Larry, but I just left anyways. I made sure nobody was in the bathroom before temporarily taking off my prosthetic. Turning the handle for cold water I watched as the cool liquid flowed out, I cupped my hands filling them with water, splashing my face. I clipped my prosthetic back on before breathing in deeply.
I haven't even made it through first, how on earth am I going to get through today? I shouldn't have forgotten my anxiety pills at home. They would really help right now.
After waiting a moment I turned to leave but was greeted by the highlighter looking blonde entering the bathroom, I froze as the door shut quietly, before I could react I was grabbed by my wrists and pinned up on the wall. I gasped and looked at him, I tried to kick free but was greeted by a punch to the stomach causing me to collapse onto my knees. I coughed as he looked down at me, pure hatred filled his eyes.
" What makes you think can so confidently walk around with Larry and not have consequences?"
I looked up confused, I realized it, the look in the boy's eyes, he loved...
I swallowed,
" H-he's my friend I have the right too, so fuck off"
I wish I didn't speak, the boy grabbed me by my shirt, I went to kick him but he slammed me onto the ground again. He sat on me, I tried to wiggle free or pull him off. I was short, small, and weak. I was only 5'4 and this boy was roughly around 5'9.
The boy pinned my wrists with his left hand using his free hand to rip off my mask. Disgust contorted his face. I felt myself tear up, I wanted to cry, that stare...
I felt him punch my face repeatedly, It hurt and I could feel blood leaking out of wounds he was causing after a while. He kept yelling at me, he was yelling horrible things.
" Fag!"
" Sinner!"
" Ugly!"
" Fat"
" WorthLesS~"
I stopped crying as the words slurred in my hearing, I could barely breathe from all the blood spilling from my nose. When would this end, before I knew it, the bell rang, I felt myself about to slip out of consciousness. The last thing I saw before blacking out was the highlighter boy, blood on his hands opening the door and before leaving stared down at me with cold eyes.
" Stay away from Larry, and don't forget me, my names Travis, and Travis will kick your ass again. "
I couldn't react as the door shut I set my prosthetic with what strength I had, everything was dizzy, I felt the floor rush up to meet me as everything went black.

I could faintly hear a panicked voice calling my name. It must be my imagination.

895 words
Okay I've had a lot of testing and other school stuff to do so I haven't been working on this so I do apologize, since it's the weekend I'll be sure to get more chapters out. Leave any advice, criticism, etc below in the comments or message me. Thanks.

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