Chapter 10~

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Y'all the comments on ch9 💀💀 sorry guys I'm an angsty person but hey I fucking love softness too SO PREPARE YOURSELVES AS I TRY NOT TO BE A COLD DARK SOUL?

2 weeks after sal awoke ( Sal POV)

I woke up groaning as I slowly sat up glancing at the time. 7:00 am. I was going back to school today, I slowly got out from under the covers swinging my legs over the side of the bed. The smell of booze floated around the house. This symbolizes that dad was home. I got dressed in my usual outfit but this time I left my hair down because honestly, who the fuck gives a shit. I grabbed my prosthetic clipping it on and heading down to the front of the building after grabbing a pop tart. I stood waiting for the tall pothead I've grown to love so greatly. As if on cue, a tall sleepy mess walked out of the apartments over to me. " Hey Lar, did you not sleep?"
Larry let out a pfft' and then stared at me. " uh... larry?" Larry shook his head quickly.
" sorry uh, just I woke up really early. So I see you're leaving your hair down. "
I nodded slowly, frowning a bit. Everyone has been treating me differently since the incident and I don't like it. " Yeah, so fuck nugget, hows Lisa?"
Larry chuckled softly. " My mom is doing fine, how are you though my lil shitbird. "
I couldn't help but laugh a little, " shitbird?" Larry smiled softly.
" fuck yeah, why not?"
" I mean you don't got a real reason for
It do you, mr long ass. "
" yo you calling me the dummy thicc?"
I burst out laughing as we walked. " dude, no. Your ass of flatter than my fabulous man-titties" Larry started laughing hard.
" d-dude my poor ass. I think it frowned. "
We laughed hard together, this moment signified the start of things being normal again. We calmed down both of us smiling as we neared the school.
" welp time for hell" I said this in the most gay voice I could do just so Larry would have another laughing fit. I succeeded. He laughed loudly as we walked into school, getting looks from people. We met up with the gang and they were so confused why Larry had the hiccups so early in the morning. We had a really funny conversation, we mentioned Larry's long ass and Neil got tmi and stated that Todd had the plumpiest ass of all time. The bell rang after that thank god.

Lunch( Sal's pov )

I groaned slamming my locker shut before walking off to lunch and sitting down next to Larry faceplantimg onto the table.
Ash giggled and Larry raised an eyebrow.
"You good sal?"
I slowly nodded and groaned flopping my arms out on the table. " Mrs Packerton went on for a whole 30 minutes how 69 is not an appropriate number to be used in class because someone made a joke. "
Everyone at the table burst out laughing, larry calmed down the fastest.
" dude a whole 30 minutes? Holy fuck knuckles!"
" I know right dude! It's just a number I didn't know you could talk about a number for so long"
Todd being the smart little cheezit fuck he is spoke up clearing his throat. " Well... considering how numbers have quite the number of properties and are used in many things it isn't irrational."
We started at him and Larry spoke out first.
" Dude.... did she ram a textbook up your ass?"
Everyone laughed besides Todd. " No Larry, I'm just have a iq higher than 2"
" ouch, Todd my dude, my iq is not 2 "
Everyone laughed harder and Todd joined in this time. Everything seemed better, truly it did.

School seemed to go on endlessly until it finally ended. I got my backpack and caught up with the gang at the front of the school. Ash spoke first.
" So guys! How about we have one big sleepover at my house! "
Everyone agreed but then I realized something. " wait it's Tuesday and we have school tomorrow "
Everyone look dumbfounded.
"Sal dude, schools cancelled tomorrow for remodling the science lab or something "
I blinked, " o h. I'm kind of stupid then"
Larry immediately apologized to me. " no your not fuck nugget! You didn't know. "
I smiled and laughed. " calm down, l o n g a s s " the whole group laughed, we agreed to meet up at Ash's at 6pm. with that we all went our separate ways. Well, me, Todd, and Larry walked together.


I got dressed in a dark purple turtleneck jumper and sticked to my red jeans and blue converse. I put my fluffy hair into a ponytail. I'm switching up hairstyles it seems today. I packed my backpack with my homework and some cat pajamas. If you don't like my sexy ass cat pajamas I'll fight you 1 on 1. I smiled contently and slipped my meds in my bag aswell. My nightmares haven't been bad lately so I should be fine tonight. But it's a just in case, you know? I swung my worn light blue pin-covered bag over my shoulder. I left a sloppy note saying where I was for my dad and walked downstairs. It was a 40 minute walk to Ash's so I technically didn't need to leave for another 15 minutes but I wanted to stop at the gas station and buy some snacks for everyone being the awesome blue bitch I am. I walked to the store stepping in with the bell dinging. The store clerk rolled their eyes. They eyed me suspiciously, probably because of the mask. I went to the candy isle and got some gay bacon(extreme airhead strips), m&ms, shittles, pop tarts, and a mr good bar. I grabbed a cherry Pepsi for myself before checking out. There went my $10 to an epic cause. I walked humming a soft tune as the December air pricked at my skin. Too think I moved here only 6 weeks ago. It was going to be Christmas next week and believe me. I was excited, I didn't have anyone to celebrate Christmas with since my mom died. Dad never wanted to celebrate it after she passed. This Christmas I was spending the holiday with Larry and Lisa. Just the thought of spending it with Larry made my heart flutter. I blushed shaking my head at the thought of my crush. I realized I was standing in front of Ash's house and knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal Ash.
" hey Sal! You're here 10 minutes early but come on in. "I nodded smiling setting the snacks on the coffee table " my parents are visiting my grandparents so they won't be here until tomorrow. "I nodded again.
" welp time to wait for the other fucks. " ash laughed at what I said and I collapsed into the couch tired from walking and stared at the ceiling.

It's just a fun sleepover, nothing could go wrong, right? Why is there this horrible feeling in my stomach that something is going to happen?
It's probably just my imagination.
Nothing could go wrong


1205 words
Yeehaw happiness my broskies ( for the most part) and I got 2 chapters done today hell yeah. Maybe I'll do more tonight or tomorrow i don't know. Anyways yeehaw have a good day fuckers.

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