Chapter 8~

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Another quick A/N:
ALRIGHT SO I WILL ONLY PUT DOWN A TW IF THERES SEVERE GORE/ASSAULT, DEPRESSION THEMES(like suicidal thoughts, self harm, etc), AND SMUT RELATED THEMES if it's smut I'll specify . because honestly do I really need a TW for swearing? This is two gay kids in a fucked up world. Anyways yeah sorry if there isn't enough wholesome in this I'll try and get more In because I've just been like writing sad stuffo. Anyways enjoy my dudes.

T W ⚠️


I woke up groggily feeling way warmer than usual. As I looked up to see Larry's soft sleeping peaceful face I couldn't help but smile. I realized everything that happened and blushed softly. I got up making sure not to wake him up before washing my face and changing clothes. I still felt uncomfortable without my prosthetic off so I clipped it back on with the satisfying clicks. Click. click. I glanced at the time groaning. It was almost time for school. I decided why not wake Larry up like a bitch would? I stood up walking quietly the radio before turning the volume way up and pressing play. The music blasted throughout the room and Larry practically jumped as he fell onto the floor entangled in bed sheets. I turned the music off laughing my ass off so much I cried rolling on the floor. Larry huffed groaning.
"You're such an ass blue bitch!"
I only laughed harder as he finally realized the time.
" HOLY FUCK KNUCKLES!" I now sat on the beanbag wheezing as he quickly got changed in the bathroom and stringing his backpack on his shoulder. The two of us walked down the cold sidewalk. I shivered rubbing my sweater sleeves releasing a warm breath. Larry noticed this and without warning took his jacket that was stacking on top of his hood off and put it around me. I blushed uncontrollably, thank fuck for my mask.
" t-thanks larry." I mentally facepalmed myself for stuttering, Larry gave a simple breathy chuckle.
" no problem salio."
We finally reached school and began the hellish day.

4 hours later ( nobody's POV really)
It was 4th period now, lunch was next. This class was okay for the fact it was math but what made it horrible was how sal had no friends in this class. Plus with or assigned sits sal didn't sit very far from... him.
Who is him? Well none other than Travis. They boy sal competed against for Larry's love. That sounds cheesy... Sal shook my head slightly as the bell rang for class to begin. Of course Travis pushed my head down into my desk before he sat down. Sal scrunched my nose under my mask to try and void the pain filling it. Class seemed to go on slowly, the scuffling of papers, that one kid's eraser squeaking whenever they erased. Sal about passed out but was jolted fully awake when a note in the form of a ball hit his forehead and bounced onto my desk. Sal looked up and  noticed Travis smirking. Sal rolled my eyes and going against the small voice telling me not to Sal opened the note.  Sal couldn't help but freeze and let tears roll down his face under his mask.

Hey Flamer, how was your day? Hopefully shitty. What the fuck did I say about Larry by the way? You're such a bad influence with your faggotry, I would be a way better influence but with you around I can't get close to him. See sinner? You get in everyone's way, mine, gay curly nerd, fatass, e girl, assley, and l a r r y s. And hey faggot? I also found your school file. How's your mom? Oh wait you got her fucked over. Took her from your dad? Damn I wonder how he feels about his son fucking his whole life over and forcing him to stare at the monstrosity that got his love killed. Wanna go play fetch? Because who killed your mom, the dog or you?

Sal cried harder struggling to not make a sound in his seat.

Sally face, let's be honest. You should just kill yourself already, overdose on pills, tie a noose, slit your wrists until you can't bleed. It'll make everyone smile more. Your dad won't have to deal with your shit anymore either. Larry won't have to confront me for you and cause himself problems because you're too w e a k to protect yourself. Have a shit day faggot, have fun in hell. Nobody will miss you, people will be overjoyed when they learn you're gone.

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