Chapter Ten

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"How long are you going to stay here?" I asked Orihime. "Maybe two days, just to make sure you're okay." She smiled. "Thank you Orihime, that's nice of you, but won't your parents worry where you are?" Her smile disappeared slowly. "I don't know much about them, I lived with my brother for most of my life." She looked down. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know." I hugged her. "Don't say sorry, it's okay." She hugged back.

"How about I make dinner for us?!" She yelled in excitement. "Sure, thank you. What about you Uryu?" I let go of her and glanced at Uryu, who was looking at the bookshelf. "Sure why not." He said still analysing the books. Orihime made her way to Urahara's kitchen, which I didn't know he had. The room was now quiet, you couldn't even hear someone breathe.

"So, do you like any of the books?" I asked Uryu who was at the other side of the room. "They seem interesting, but nothing that I would be interested in." He said walking toward me. A question came to my mind, "Uryu, did you get the stuff we learnt in Physics?" I asked, Physics was slightly confusing, I bearly got any of it. "Yes, why is that?" He asked bluntly, moving a hand to his glasses. "Well, I was wondering if you could help me." I stated moving a strand of my hair out of my eyes. "Like a tutor?" He questioned, now he was sitting down directly in front of me. "Yes, like a tutor." My eyes met his. "I can do that. We'll do it here after school." He stated bluntly. "Thanks alot." I smiled, he returned my smile, but it was small and not that noticeable.

<He should smile more. What am I thinking?! Again.>. "Dinner is ready!" Orihime came through the door with a tray of food. A delicious smell filled the room, she set the tray in front of us and handed bowls to us. I didn't question what she made, since I was starving. "This tastes really good Orihime." I said taking another mouthful of my food. "Why thank you Y/n." Her smile was now wider than before.

I finished all of my food happily, I couldn't help but glance up at Uryu from time to time. He ate with such delicacy, "I'm full, thanks for the meal though." He said placing his half eaten food down. "You didn't even eat it all." Orihime whined. "I just said I was full." Uryu stated again and went to get up. "You're not leaving, until your finished. That's my rule." Orihime sounded like a Mum. He sighed and walked a step, but was stopped by Orihime grabbing at his pants. I laughed at their 'I hate you looks' that they gave eachother. Uryu freed his leg and took another step forward, but was tackled to the ground by Orihime. My laughter filled the room, <This is amusing, but I feel sorry for him.>. "Get off me!" Uryu shouted, Orihime shook her head. "Y/n, pass me the bowl please." She held out a hand. I walked up to them, the bowl in my hand. I sat near Uryu, "If I can eat a full bowl of this, than you can too. Usually guys eat more than girls, so you can finish this." His facial expression showed that he wasn't happy with my facts. Uryu struggled, but eventually gave up. "Open your mouth." I gestured the spoon toward his mouth. He immediately followed instructions, knowing that it wasn't good to fight with us.

I fed him until there was nothing left in the bowl. "See, it wasn't that bad." I said as Orihime got off him. I handed the bowl to Orihime and she went to wash up.

I put a hand out to help him up, he took it, but as I pulled him up he stood on my foot....

A/n: Cliffhanger! XD. Love you guys ahaha.

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