Chapter twenty

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/Hey ya'll.
I hope ya don't mind but I am doin a bit of a time skip./

Y/n's POV

Time had passed since my hollow incident. Recovery was slow since my body was just exhausted even though Orihime had healed me.

More hollow attacks had occured but Ichigo took care of that with ease, Uryu would occasionally help for competition.

Uryu seemed to be getting more distant from me. It was making me frustrated. I needed to find a way to speak to him, but how can I when he bearly pays attention to me? Good question, but no answer seems to be visible at the moment.

I sat at my desk as thoughts and questions clouded my mind. I couldn't focus on anything apart from him...

I should stop being so delusional and forget about it.

I didn't notice I was staring in Uryu's direction. His head slightly turned in my direction and he looked at me from the corner of his eye causing my eyes to lower, looking at the desk as I was trying to hide the fact I was caught.

I heard his soft sigh as he then started to stare out the window. I know something is eating at his mind but the problem is he doesn't speak for anyone to know.

I have to talk to him...and I will.

The lesson continued and I actually started to concentrate on what was being taught.

*Timeskip brought to you by your lazy author*

School had finally ended. The final bell rung throughout the halls and many kids ran out of the classrooms looking as though they were free birds. How did I know? I could see them out the door running like lunatics, pushing past eachother and pushing eachother over.

I sighed softly as I packed up my stuff. The room grew silent even the halls. I was left along in the classroom with Uryu. We both ended up packing up at the same time.

I couldn't take it anymore. I had to speak.

"Uryu." I said, getting his attention.

"Yes?" He responded while pushing his glasses up slightly with two fingers as usual.

"Can we talk?" I asked. He turned around, looking confused by my words.

"About what Y/n?" Uryu still couldn't piece together what I was wanting to talk about. It was easy to tell by his expression.

"Just come with me." I said grabbing my stuff while he grabbed his before I dragged him to the roof by his hand.

"What is the meaning of this?" He asked. His eyes pierced into mine with his usual cold look.

What I said next was probably something that made him more confused.

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