Chapter 4

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"You're up," I said as I was spreading jam on my toast.

"I have work," Hoseok said as he walked in wearing a black long-sleeve shirt and ripped denim jeans. Boy, does he look good in that.

He poured himself some water as he stood opposite of me. I couldn't stop myself from looking at him. Hoseok is really good-looking. His height, his visuals, his smile, his voice... everything about him was just perfect.


Hoseok moved around so that he's facing me as he grabbed his keys off the table and said, "I won't be home until late."

I bit my lips to stop myself from saying "Again?"

Hoseok arched an eyebrow when he noticed that I was about to say something.

"But you just got back not too long ago," I said, frowning.

Hoseok smiled, "Coming home late and leaving home early is part of my life. It's nothing new."

"You got used to it?"

Hoseok shrugged, "I'm a busy person." He's right about that.

I held my toast towards him since I feel sorry that he'll be leaving early without eating something. Instead of thanking me and taking the toast off me, Hoseok just stared at me. Thinking he probably doesn't want to eat something like this since he's a millionaire, I brought the bread towards me and took a bite. At the same time, Hoseok leaned over and bit on the other side of the toast.

My heart started racing and my face grew hot at the sight of being so close to see him right up close. Hoseok's lowered his eyelashes and when he sensed that I didn't make any move, his lifted his eyes up and locked them with mine.

Hoseok took a bite and straightened himself. He glanced down at his watch and then said through a mouthful of toast, "Since I won't be back until early morning again, feel free to roam around here and get used to the place."

I stared with my toast still in my mouth as Hoseok walked towards the door. He stopped and turned back to me. "Ah, I forgot," he said. "Since we're only married for three years, I figured it's probably best if we sleep in different rooms. I've already organised a room for you so have a look and see if you need anything else. I'll see you later."

Before I could say anything, Hoseok walked out the door, leaving me standing here, speechless.

I pulled the toast away as my heart continued to race, even after Hoseok have left the area. Pressing a hand over my heart, I closed my eyes, trying to calm this damn heart of mine.

Don't go there, I scowled. Three years. You've got three years with him.


Hoseok got into his car and chuckled at the thought of seeing Jiyeon's expression when he got right in her face.

He was always nervous around her but at the same time, he wasn't too. Something about her made him want to tease her even more. Maybe it's because she speaks to him like he's a normal person and not J-Hope from BTS. It felt nice because it made him feel like he was an actual person... that fame don't define who he is.

Shaking his head, he reversed out of the garage and drove out of there. Through the whole way to work, he was smiling.


"Babe, you married J-Hope from BTS?"

I rolled my eyes.


"Yeah," I replied. After Hoseok left, I went and decorated my room after the boxes were delivered to his house. When I finished setting up, I decided to go online and found so many articles about us. I knew there was going to be articles about us since Hoseok is from one of the biggest boybands there are but still, I wasn't prepared for this.

"You never told me he's famous." I could hear the fascination in his voice.

"You never asked," I snapped.

"I want to see you," Dohyun said. "Come meet me at my place."

I rolled my eyes, "I can't."

"Why, 'cause you're a married woman now?" he scoffed.

"Because I'm pissed at you for not ringing or messaging me on the day of my wedding," I hissed. "I was angry and distraught, you know! Yet you didn't bother to check up on me."

Dohyun sighed, "Right, my bad. Sorry about that."

I rolled my eyes at his pathetic apology, "Whatever. Don't talk to me."

I hung up on him and got up from the couch. Sometimes, Dohyun can be such a selfish jerk. I even ask myself many times how I managed to handle him for the past five years.

Sighing, I decided to go look around Hoseok's place and get familiar with it. I ended up in the garden, the pool, the gym, the kitchen, the lounge room and then Hoseok's bedroom. I ran my fingertips along his bookshelf and saw that he owns so many books.

I opened Hoseok's closet and let out a whistle. I wasn't surprise when I saw his clothes, ties, shoes, bags and jewelleries were from expensive brands.

"Of course," I mumbled, "You're a millionaire so might as well dress like one too."

I closed the door and walked out of his room towards his studio. Since Hoseok is a musician, he is most likely going to spend most of his time there. I took in his personal space and although I don't know about him much, I could tell that this room really reflects on his personality. It was neat and pretty.

The guy has good taste, I thought to myself.

I left his studio and walked back into the lounge where I collapsed on the sofa, eyes to the ceiling. Since marrying Hoseok, I had to give up on my waitressing job and that sucked because I wanted to work. I really don't like the idea of having to use Hoseok's money when he worked for it. I was going to have to talk to him about this sooner or later. 

When it got dark, I went into my room and began looking up articles about Hoseok. I'm not someone who uses the internet much but that might change since the man I married is bound to be everywhere on the internet.

This might be a good chance for me to get to know him and see him through the eyes of the people who love and respect him. 

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