Chapter 33

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I'd found a place where I wanted to live. It was in the countryside, far away from here. I'd been avoiding Hoseok until the members convinced me to go to their photoshoot because Hoseok wasn't feel too well.

That was a very bad idea because when I got there, Hoseok was talking to one of their young female staff and laughing with her. It's been a while since I'd seen him laugh and that really hurt me because the minute our eyes locked, he stopped laughing.

I've also decided to quit my job too since I wasn't feeling too good these days. I wanted to take time off and live away from Hoseok and the members. I needed a break from all these emotions.

I watched as the female staff punched Hoseok in the arm, playfully and watched as Hoseok turned his attention to her. Ignoring the tears that were forming, I smiled at the members and waved before leaving.

I let the tears run as I walked out of there, away from Hoseok and away from the members. I placed a hand over my chest, clutching onto it as I could feel my heart breaking. Loving someone... Is it supposed to hurt this much?

I hated myself for not talking to Hoseok earlier about Dohyun but since he's not willing to listen, I no longer want to explain too. I had a baby to think of. There were times when I wanted to tell Hoseok because he deserves to know but every time I muster up the courage, I see the annoyance in his eyes and that made me back down.

Hoseok and the members were set to fly to Japan for a concert soon and I knew that it would be the last time I'll see him because I plan to move while he's there. I've saved up enough and I wanted out of his life and him out of mine too.

Leaving him makes it hard for me to even breathe when I think about it but what can I do? My emotions were all over the place and my chest hurts every time I see him. I decided that I can't be around someone who can kill me with just one look. I'm no longer that girl who can overcome everything despite people's opinions of me. I'll have to take care of myself and the only way I can do that is to part ways with Hoseok and the members... at least for a little while. I don't think I can ever part from Hoseok for a whole lifetime anyways.

I stood in the garden area and glanced at the time—it was noon. I thought that I'll be used to Hoseok's absence but even now, the smallest things remind me of him. I miss him every second of the day and night but I know I can't do anything about it. I can only miss and pray for him to eat and be happy while I'm here on my own.

I knew Hoseok was going to be busy but I texted him anyways. It's the first time in how many months that I've texted him. I wonder if he'll reply or if he'll even come.

There is something I need to tell you.

We exchanged a few texts before I hit send to the last text and then felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. I placed a hand over my abdomen, struggling trying to breathe. I've been getting cramps and pain here for the past few days and haven't had the chance to go to the doctors since I've been working non-stop and packing.

"What's wrong?" I murmured, trying to soothe the pain by gently rubbing my abdomen but that didn't help at all.


Hoseok was sitting down, his mind somewhere else while his members were standing and talking with one another. They had some things to finalise before they fly out in a few hours.

Hoseok checked his phone and saw that there was a text from Jiyeon.

There is something I need to tell you.

Hoseok typed back, What?

Can you drop by the house for a bit?

I'm flying out soon.

It won't be long.

Hoseok sighed and stood up, putting his phone in his pocket. The members looked over at him when they saw him get up.

"What's wrong?" Namjoon asked him, immediately.

Hoseok shrugged, "Jiyeon wanted me to drop by the house."

"You guys are finally going to talk?" Taehyung asked with a flicker of hope in his eyes.

"No, she said there's something she wanted to tell me."

"We'll come with you," Yoongi said, walking towards Hoseok, "that way we can all head to the airport right away."


My phone dropped to the ground and I doubled over in pain, feeling tears in my eyes. What's happening to me?

I struggled to grab my phone and call Hoseok or just anyone and that's when I felt it. Something warm trickling down my legs.

Looking down, I knew what it was before I saw it. I was praying it wasn't but a part of me knew what it was. Blood. Lots of it.

I clutched onto my abdomen, trying to hold onto the little life inside me. If only that was enough.

"Jiyeon!" I heard Hoseok yelled out. "Where are you?"

With everything I had, I forced myself to stand up on my feet. I saw Hoseok walked towards me with his members walking after him, talking to one another.

I staggered a step or two forward and then my whole world went black.


Hoseok yelled out Jiyeon's name before running towards her. That alerted his members and they rushed after him too.

When he got to her, he pulled her towards him and what he saw made his blood run cold and his chest tightened at the sight. Blood trickling down her legs. Lots of it. Why was there so much blood?

"What's wrong with her?" Namjoon got to Hoseok's side and when he saw what had shocked Hoseok and made Hoseok freeze, he then turned to the members and barked, "Call the ambulance."

"On it," Jimin murmured. 

Hoseok was cursing, not know what to do and his members gathered around, trying to calm him down and not panic themselves. Seokjin got to his knees beside Hoseok, squeezing Hoseok's shoulder with his hand in attempt to calm him before he reached out and started looking over Jiyeon- his hand going to check her pulse, heartbeat, breathing...

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