Chapter 13

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I pressed the palm of my hands against my cheeks, feeling the heat there. I reflect back on what had happened between Hoseok and I yesterday and groaned at the thought. I wanted to kick myself.

"It was the heat of the moment," I told my reflection. "He doesn't mean anything by it."

That's right. Hoseok's just... too nice to say anything about it. I mean, why would he be attracted to someone like me right?

I shook my head at the thought. "Calm down," I hissed at my heart that's been racing every time I think about our kiss.

Besides, he and I are going to head home tomorrow anyways. We're going to go back to...well, not seeing each other. I pressed my forehead against the mirror, trying to push the feelings of disappointment and fear. This was his life. It wasn't his fault for always being so busy all the time. When did I become this attached to him? We've only been married for what, nearly three weeks? This isn't love, is it? It can't be. People tend to take a few months or even a few years to really fall in love. That's what happened with Dohyun and me. We knew each other for two years before we began dating.

I lifted my head from the mirror and placed my hands on the side of the sink, staring at my reflection. I'm not someone who wants to be wealthy so I can't be in love with him or lusting after his money and fame too. Yet there's no way I could have fallen in love with him so soon... right? These stupid feelings of mine have been causing me nothing but stress and lack of sleep.

Still, how good will it be if this marriage between us was real. Hoseok will be the best husband to the one he chooses to marry. He loves and he protects... something I'm sure women want the most. I hated that every time I try to remind myself of our fake marriage, that my heart aches at the thought of us parting. Will he even remember my name after we go our separate ways?


I jerked back, "Uh, yeah?" I yelled back.

"Come eat!"

I bit my lips, deciding if I can maybe avoid him or something.

"Jiyeon?" I heard Hoseok's voice coming nearer and nearer.

"Alright, alright," I said, rushing out of my room.

I sat across from Hoseok, feeling awkward with the whole atmosphere. If I hadn't pulled him back and kissed him, Hoseok will be the one feeling what I'm feeling here, right? I wanted to smack myself for not pushing him away.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Um, yeah," I replied, reaching for a glass of water.

We ate in silence.

"I didn't know you can cook," I mumbled before eating.

Hoseok glanced at me for a split second before going back to eating, "I'm not as good as Seokjin or Yoongi."

"Who's the worst?" I asked through a mouthful of pasta.

"Taehyung and Namjoon," he said without a thought. A small smile curled his lips as he added, "Maybe Taehyung more."

I grinned at that, "Yeah?"


That puts our conversation to an end as we finished our meals and Hoseok went into his room to work on something important. I took that as his way of avoiding me and I went back to my room.

Since I had nothing to do, I finally decided to ring my father who I've been ignoring until now. I told him that I'm not mad at him anymore and that I'm happy Hoseok was able to save the two of us—though I wasn't too happy to be kept in the dark about it. My father apologised and promised that he'll work on himself from now on so that his problems will be his alone. I was a little thankful at that and told him that I'll find time to see him whenever.

After an hour of talking, we finally hung up. I was happy that I no longer feel this weight on my shoulders anymore. If Hoseok never told me about their situation, I would have been doing things my way. Who knows how long I would hate him too if he never said a single thing about it.

I thought about it and then realised that I can never hate on someone like Hoseok whose smile can light up the world.

I spent another two hours doing research on Hoseok and his members. Although it would be good if I ask Hoseok himself or even the members, I decided that it's best if I do my research prior to asking them. I wanted to get to know what he likes and hates and even the little information about his dreams, hopes, songs he's produced and lyrics he'd written...every little thing.

When I think I've done enough research on him, I got up from my bed, stretched and then made my way out of my room. I came to a stop when I saw Hoseok sitting on the sofa, laptop on his lap, frowning. Hoseok's eyes came to me and then went back to his work. I bit my lips, trying to not let that affect me. I made my way towards the kitchen and made tea for myself and Hoseok too. According to my research, Hoseok likes peppermint tea and I was praying that this piece of information was up to date.

I walked over towards him and stood in front of him, holding the mug out.

Hoseok stopped typing and glanced up at me. His eyes went to the mug and then he slowly reached out and took it.

"Thank you," he murmured.

I sat down beside him but left a massive gap in between us. "Uh, what are you working on?"

Hoseok took a sip and then glanced sideways at me, "Why are you sitting so far?"

"You might need room?"

He just looked at me like he thought I was weird and I would even agree with that too. When he wouldn't stop looking at me, I placed my mug on the table and I shifted closer towards him.

Hoseok brought the mug to his lips and they curled into a smile before he took a sip, "Writing lyrics."

My eyes widened, "For real?"

He nodded.

"You're working even when you're on a break?"

"Not just me," he said, placing the mug on the coffee table, "the members do it too. Yoongi and Namjoon work more than the rest of us."

Somehow, I doubt that. I think they are all working secretly and lacking sleep and energy because of it. 

"Are you bored?"


Hoseok's eyes were studying me and they narrowed, "Are you bored?"

"Um, no."

Hoseok closed his laptop and placed it beside him, "Come on."

"No!" I protested, grabbing his hand with both my hands to stop him from going anywhere. Instead of sitting down, Hoseok pulled me to my feet despite me trying to put all my weight on the sofa. "You're working right now, so work. I'm really not bored, I promise."

"You don't sound sure," he replied.

I shook my head, "No, really. Please work." That's when it hit me. What if Hoseok wanted to take a break and I'm forcing him to work? It's not like he was smiling and clapping when I walked into the room and saw him working. Then again, what if he really wants to work but because I'm "bored" that he decided to take me somewhere? These thoughts spin round and round in my head as I tried to think of what to say to him.

In the end, I couldn't think of anything and just glanced up at him, conflicted.

Hoseok surprised me by laughing and sat down again, tugging me down with him. The side of my face hit his chest and Hoseok's arm went around my shoulder. He pulled me towards him and kissed the top of my head before reaching for his laptop, opening it once again.

I melted at the gesture.

"I need to finish this and send them to Yoongi," Hoseok said, eyes on his laptop. I slowly pulled away from Hoseok's hold.

"Is it okay if I sit here and watch you work?"

"You don't need to ask that."

"Well, you could be really busy and I could be a distraction."

I saw Hoseok smirked, his eyes still trained on the screen of his laptop. "You've always been a distraction. In a good way though."

I stared at him and then averted my eyes, feeling my cheeks burning at that. 

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