Chapter 6: Talks and Plans

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Hey guys, I know it's been a while but I am here and with an update. I don't have much to say so I guess that I will get right into this story. 


Kaitlyn's POV 

I sat on the edge of my bed in my hotel room crying. Crying is what I have been doing for days straight. I miss AJ and I haven't talked to her at all but tonight, we have RAW and this might be my chance to get AJ back. I know I made a mistake sleeping with Punk even know I was drunk. I haven't talked to Seth or Punk. I just have needed space, to be alone, and be misearable. 

I got my bag and dragged it down stairs to the lobby and out into the parking lot where it was a bright and sunny day but my mood was rainy and cloudy. I put my bags in my rental and drove to the arena. I arrived and put a smile on my face while I was meeting some fans even though I was dying inside. 

I finished with the fans and went straight inside and went straight to the Divas locker room picking a locker in the corner. Just then, I saw AJ walk in and we caught eye contact for a good 2 seconds until she lookded away. She looked beautiful, like always. 


Kaitlyn looked so sad but deserves to feel pain for what she did to me. I put my bags in a locker and exited the locker room and heading to Sandra. I turned the corner and saw Naomi and a camera man. I forgot, they are filming  Total Divas. 

I walked up to Naomi and Sandra and right into the Camera. "Hey Naomi" I said with a smile. She smiled back, "Hey Lee, whats going on?" She asked as she sat in a chair waiting for Sandra to finish her gear. 

"Nothing, just having relationship problems" I said with a sigh as I sat ona chest. "What do you mean?" She asked with a confused look. "Well, I found out that Kaitlyn cheated on me in a drunk mess and we kind of broke up" I said with a long sigh. 

"Well damn, y'all need to talk" Naomi said to me. I nodded. "I know, but how do we just talk after finding out a big secret, and she is pregnant" I said. Naomi shook her head. She placed a hand on my shoulder and started rubbing. 

"You guys need to do some serious talking, cause right now, y'all need Jesus" Naomi said as Sandra handed her the gear and she walked off. I thanked Sandra as she handed me my custom cut up Cena shirt. I walked off to the Divas locker room to get ready. 


 // I wrote a chapter and said that AJ was dating John and Kaitlyn was dating Dolph onscreen but it's not their anymore and I'm not sure why//

I stood in the ring with John in a John Cena shirt with jeans. Me and him were standing in the ring as Brock Lesnar. John and him were of course having an onscreen fued. But tonight, this segment would get a little extreme. 

Paul was talking trash about me and John and I slapped him and Brock pushed John out of the ring and before I knew it, I was on top of Brock's shoulder getting f'5ed down to the mat. Pain ran through my side a little. I had on comfortable padding and Brock was careful but it looked demolishing. I rolled out of the ring falling to the ground as I saw John run back in but recieve an f'5 of his own. 

RAW cut to commercial and refs helped me and John backstage. I got backstage and I saw Kaitlyn. "AJ, can we talk" She asked. I looked at her in the eye. "Hm, nope. Go talk to Punk, have a drink or too, and sleep with him again" I said rudely and walked away. 

Seth's POV 

I watched from afar as AJ blew off Kaitlyn. I felt bad. I want those to together. They belong together. I have a plan to get them to atleast talk. I took out my phone and texted Kaitlyn. 

SR: Hey Kaitlyn, meet me at Lamars donuts to chill and hang out. I miss my best friend. Please come. 

Kaitlyn: Um, sure. When? 

SR: After the show. :) 

Kaitlyn: See ya there :) 

Ok, now I have to text AJ. 

SR; Hey AJ, meet me Larmars donuts after the show, just to hang out? Please say yes. 

AJ Lee: Sure. I'll be there :) 

SR: Great. See ya soon. :)

I put my phone away. This better work, I thought to myslef as I made my way to the mens locker room. 


So, what did you guys think?

I hope you like!




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