Chapter Ten: Tis' the Season To Be Jolly

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I looked at the fan and my heart stopped for a minute. That girl wasn't an illusion, she was completely real. "Hi AJ! I'm a huge fan!" she screamed. I shook out of my thoughts and smiled, even though I wanted to scream. She then wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. "Whats your name?"

"My name is Rita." She said after releasing me. I choked on air. I was officially freaked out. "Has anyone ever told you that you look like L-" "Lita, yes. I look younger though. I don't know know how I look like her but I do." Rita said. I nodded. "So, how did you get back here? Not to be rude but no fans are suppose to be back here." I asked. "Well, I work here. I got a job as a writer." Rita said. "So, you'll be here with us at every show?" I asked. She nodded and smiled. "I start after the holidays but Vince wanted me to get a feel for being backstage and around the talent. Well, bye." She said and walked away.

"So, hows your head?" I asked John. "It's good. Hurts a little." John replied. "Thanks for protecting me out there." John smiled. "No problem, you know your like a little sister to me." he said and offered me a smile. I smiled in return and gave him and jumped up, latching my legs around his waist, hugging him. I jumped down and waved goodbye, skipping away.

I made my way into the Diva's looker room. They were all chatting among themselves. I saw a Diva, it was Kaitlyn. "Babe." She looked my way and I walked towards her and kissed her. "Where have you been? I was worried. "I've had a wild day. My luggage got lost, my rental stopped on the way here cause the fuel line was cut. So, I had to find where I was so I could get everything taken care off. But the lucky thing is my luggage was found." Kaitlyn said. I nodded. "Poor baby, how are we getting to the next city if you don't have a rental? I took a cab." I said. "We'll call Seth." "Nope, he is riding with Dean in Roman."

"Punk has room. And since Kofi is traveling with Xavier and 'E, he will let us in." Kaitlyn said. I nodded. We got our bags and headed out into the parking lot. We saw Punk and talked to him. He let us on and we were off to the next city.

Christmas Day

Kaitlyn held me tight in her arms as we sat close to the fire. We opened our presents and now we just had time to hold each other. This girl really was the girl of my dreams.

Our elevator dinged and in walked in Seth and Punk. They both smiled. "Hey lovrbirds." Seth said and sat on the couch. Kaitlyn and I chuckled.

"So, what are you guys doing here?" Kaitlyn asked. "We decided to come see how our two favorite people were doing." Punk said. Kaitlyn and I blushed.

The elevator dinged again and inside was a package. I went and got it. I brought it back to the table. I opened it and what was inside scared us all.

It was a shirt of mine, cut up and ripped. It was 2 headless action figures of me. And I saw a 'Brawling Buddy' of me ripped in half. And it had a note inside.
"AJ, oh AJ. I don't like you. You can get away with killing a historical person like Lita and be happy but you've been naughty. Watch your back AJ, I'm watching you. Merry Christmas AJ. Enjoy it because it might be the last one you ever have. -Your Worst Nightmare.


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