Bad Dog to Guard Dog

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Bat made a hand sign, "Wind style: Wind blades." Invisible blades sliced through some branches and Anko fell out and on top of Shisui and Kakashi. "12:30, times up. I think that went well. We start missions tomorrow and Kakashi, don't be late."


The anbu team has been training and taking missions together for six months now. Everything was going fine except that Kakashi still didn't completely trust his brown haired commander. At this moment Dog, Snake and Crow were sitting in a valley recovering from a infiltration mission. They were just waiting for Bat to contact the hokage.

Snake just finished healing Crow's injuries and her own and was about do Dog's, but Dog refused treatment. Snake argued, "but the commander said that we should examine heal as many injuries as possible."

"I'm fine, I don't need any medical attention." Dog said stubbornly.

Just then Bat jumped in from a nearby tree and grabbed Dog by the throat, "Dog, why have you denied medical treatment when I explicitly ordered you to get it?"

"I didn't need it, sir." Kakashi just glared back wanting to see anger in his captain's eyes, but he was dumbfounded when his eyes met a solid black and red mask.

"I understand if you don't trust me, but I won't allow your foolish antics to potentially bring harm to yourself or someone else. Do you understand?" Kakashi nodded reluctantly still a little stunned by the mask. "Good, Snake, it seems Dog has changed his mind and would like medical treatment. Would you start with his left fibula?"

Snake shrugged at her commander's odd request and started with Kakashi's left fibula as asked. "Your leg is fractured, Dog." Snake said in shock as she and her teammates looked at Bat wondering how the hell he knew that! After Dog was healed they made their back to Konoha.

As Dog jumped from tree to tree he watched his commander, "Captain, why don't you have eyeholes in your mask?" Snake and Crow stopped and stared at Bat's mask and were beyond surprised to see the lack of eyeholes!

Bat shrugged, "I don't need them because I'm blind."

"WHAT?!" His teammates screamed.

Bat nodded, "Yes, I've been deaf and blind since I was four, but as you can see I've adjusted. My sense of touch more than compensates for my missing senses so technically I'm not exactly lacking despite my eyes and ears no longer connecting with my brain."

Dog asked, "How did you lose your sight and hearing?"

Bat turned toward Dog, "Some people took offense to my existence and made sure I knew it."


(There he goes again.) Thought Naruto from behind his mask as he approached his teammates.

"What's who doing?" A tired Kyuubi asked.

(Morning fluffy. It's Kakashi, ever since he found out about my being deaf and blind he's been ... different. For example, every time he sees me his aura lights up and his vibes remind me of a puppy happy to see his master. I can actually see twitchy ears and a wagging tail.)

"Maybe he just respects you now." The fox suggested even though he suspected it might be the beginning of something more than that.

Naruto frowned, (I guess.) He thought as he and his teammates left or another mission.


It was supposed to be a simple bodyguard job. They were supposed to escort Boku and his famous niece, Sara, to her next concert like they've done many times before ...

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