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This is different ...


*boom* "Yay! I did it!"

Naruto sweat dropped "Kakashi, what the hell have you been teaching her?" he asked as he watched the pinkette hop around in joy after creating a huge hole in the earth.

"I was only teaching her some low rank earth jutsu and then ..."

"And then what?"

Kakashi chuckled nervously, "Anko heard about the reformed fangirl and wanted to see for herself ... she taught Sakura a couple things."

Sasuke winced as he saw the huge scar in the earth, "Oh, I am really glad she is not my fangirl anymore. I do feel bad for any gay couple around though." He didn't see to two undercover anbu flinch and glare at him.

"Don't you have seals to practice, Sasuke?" The blonde asked.

"Oh right." The Uchiha said nervously, he got the feeling he said something wrong.

After Sasuke left Kakashi turned to Naruto, "So was there any useful information in Gato's papers?"

"Yes, we know a pattern for money transfers and the location previous hideouts, but they are never there all at one time and they change places every mouth according to Orochimaru 's report ... I'm going to leave and check out the two previous hideouts-"

"You can't go alone." hissed Kakashi in a harsh whisper. In his worry for his lover's safety he sometimes forgets he's talking to his commander.

"If you can find someone to watch these two and my clone then you can go. Shisui and Anko will take turns guarding Sasuke, but they need someone to actually play sensei." said the compromising anbu leader. Naruto never gets used to people being worried about him, but had to admit that it always makes him happy especially when it's Kakashi ... he loves the puppy dog vibrations ...


The commander chuckled as he saw his lover in his anbu gear ready to go, "Who did you dump them on?"

"Genma, he owed me a favor." The blonde could feel the smirk on Kakashi's face ... poor Genma. They put on their masks and disappeared into the trees. After a couple days they came to the first hideout. It was a dilapidated factory.

Bat kneeled and tapped his tuning fork on the ground, "We should enter through the back, everything is very unstable. No one is here." The two anbu made their way to the back of the factory and carefully analyzed each room.

"What are we looking for?" Dog asked as he stepped over a hole in the floor.

"Anything that will give us information on the unknown members of the Akatsuki. Orochimaru said there was ten, but he hasn't met all of them so he couldn't give many details about them especially their abilities." said Bat as he moved a rug. "Dog, come here. There's a symbol on the floor."

Dog kneeled on the floor next to Bat, "That's an unusual symbol." He commented as he looked at the circle with a triangle inside traced in blood. "Wait ... I know this symbol, the people who worship the evil god, Jashin, use this symbol."

"So we might have an immortal on our hands." sighed the commander.

"And from what I smell a bomb expert too, I can smell the C4." said Dog as he opened a door and Bat collapsed on the floor writhing in pain. "Bat! What's wrong?!" He yelled as he kneeled next to his commander contort in shear agony. Dog was about to grab the fake brunette and leave until a cloak of red energy wrapped around the commander buffering his nerves.

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