Medics are so Stubborn

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"Then we kill him." Jiraiya looked at the commander in shock. "We need Tsunade."


The cool breeze flowing through the open window gently woke Naruto from his sleep, "Kakashi ... wake up." The blonde nudged the silver haired ninja sleeping in the bed next to him.

Kakashi rolled over in bed and pulled the warm naked body closer to him, "Can't we stay in bed?" He mumbled.

"If we didn't have genin to babysit then yes, but unfortunately we do." He said before slipping out of the jonin's arms.

"Ok, ok." Kakashi grumbled as he reluctantly got out of bed. "We'd save time if we showered together." He said and kissed the blonde

Naruto chuckled as the older shinobi's arms wrapped around his waist, "Funny, the showers always seem longer with you." Despite that fact they went into the shower together to save time it took several times longer ...


Sakura frowned, "Naruto is a little late ... that's not like him. I wonder if he's ok"

"I'm sure he's fine." said Sasuke.

The pinkette sighed, "You're probably right ... I hope he isn't turning into Kakashi-sensei."

"More like he's in Kakashi-sensei." Sasuke mumbled under his breath.

"What did you say?" Sakura asked.

Sasuke gulped nervously as Sakura's eyes stared at him with suspicion, "Nothing! I said nothing!"

"Hey guys!" The blonde said as he strolled up to them.

"Hey, Naruto, are you ok? You're later than usual." Sakura asked.

"It's not that late. Besides, sensei isn't here yet." said Naruto.

"Yeah, well that's no surprise." The pinkette chuckled.

Kakashi appeared in a puff of smoke, "I'm not that bad."

Naruto sweat dropped when he felt Kakashi's vibes twitch in irritation as Sasuke and Sakura kept trying to release him as if he was genjutsu because they couldn't believe he was on time, (You can't blame them for thinking that ... everyone thinks that because of your habits, love.)

"I'm real, ok! Now we have to meet Jiraiya and go on our mission. Let's go." Kakashi said and they went to the gate, but the toad sage wasn't there.

"Errr were we supposed to meet him here, sensei?" Sasuke asked.

"Yep ... where is he?" Kakashi wondered.

The blonde smiled, "There's a swimming hole near here so I bet he's there."

"There is? I didn't know that. How do you find these cool places?" Sakura asked as they made their way to the hidden swimming hole.

"I have some unique senses." Naruto said with a shrug. He could feel Kakashi and Sasuke smirk at the hidden meaning of that statement. The three men on team 7 froze and took a few steps back.

Why you ask?

Sakura found Jiraiya ... he was in a tree peeping in on three women in bikinis swimming in the large pond and he was trying to untie their bikini tops with a chakra string ... Sakura was not happy at all ... in a fit of rage she pulled her fist back and punched the tree effectively shattering the tree ...

The toad sage screamed as he fell out of the tree and landed in the water where he was beaten to a bloody pulp by the women he was peeping on. After the women left Naruto dragged the toad out of the water before he drowned ...

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