Fangirls Are Nuts!

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The two anbu frowned and thought, (You'll see pinky, you'll see.)


"Ow, ow, ow, ow! Sasuke, that cat hurt me!" Sakura cried as they entered Sarutobi's office for another mission. The pissed off cat growled at the pikette and tried to scratch her through the bars of her cage.

"She senses evil." Naruto muttered making Sasuke and Kakashi snicker as they handed the feline to the Daimyo's wife.

The Third smiled, "So ready for a new mission? We have picking up trash, painting houses, walking dogs an-"

*growl*hiss* "Tora come back!"

Sarutobi rolled his eyes, "and apparently catching Tora."

"Please not that damn cat again! And no more of these chores, give us a real mission." yelled Sakura. The two anbu sent her a subtle glare for her disrespect, but they couldn't help but agree.

"What do you think, Kakashi?" chuckled an amused Sarutobi.

Kakashi shrugged, "Fine with me."

"Very well, there are a band of bandits north of here. This is your mission." He handed team 7 a scroll and they were dismissed.


"How much farther?" The pinkette whined.

"Two days." said Sasuke making the girl groan.

Sakura was too busy checking out Sasuke to realize that her constant complaining was annoying her teammates. At some point she heard Naruto say they were stopping to camp soon and it gave her an idea. She pulled out her tent and dropped it into the stream.

Naruto looked back, "You ok, Sakura? It sounded like you dropped something."

The pinkette flinched and wondered how he caught that, "I slipped and dropped my tent."

"Guess you're sleeping outside tonight!" said Kakashi with an eye smile.

"What?! I'm a girl!" She snapped.

"No, you're a kunoichi and therefore you can handle the outdoors." said the silver haired jonin nonchalantly.

The blind eyes of the blonde focused on the sky, "Kakashi-sensei, she's going to need a tent. There's a storm coming."

Kakashi sniffed the sky and sighed, he was looking forward to seeing pinky roughing it, oh well, "You're right, we-"

"Sasuke will share with me!" said the fangirl as she latched onto Sasuke, who looked a bit scared.

"No, that would be inappropriate." Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief at his sensei's words, while Sakura looked ticked. "Naruto, give Sakura your tent and we'll share."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow, "but isn't that also inappropriate sensei?"

Naruto bit his lip to hold back a laugh, "Yes, pervert-sensei."

The 'jonin' twitched, "Smartass. Come on, let's set up camp." He ignored the pouting banshee. A few minutes later team 7 started eating ...

A frown crossed Naruto's face, "You should eat more than that Sakura. You aren't going to have enough strength to fight." The pinkette just huffed rudely and stomped away to her temporary tent. "She'll figure it out ... Sasuke, are you ok?"

Sasuke gulped, "The mission is to eliminate the bandits ...a-are we going to have to k-kill?"

The two undercover anbu glanced at each other, "Maybe, but don't worry to much about that cause you may not have to yet ... of course, as a ninja you will eventually." said Kakashi, Sasuke nodded and went to his tent.

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