Plan a Head

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"It's not good ... Obito is preparing for the edo tensei and on a massive scale." said the commander gravely ...


Somewhere there were four ninjas in a hidden room below the hokage tower gathering to discuss the threat looming over their village and the Elemental Nations ...

Orochimaru smiled at Bat as they sat down around a table to discuss, "Good to see you again, Bat."

"And you too, Orochimaru." Bat paused for a moment and shrugged. The commander reached up and pulled off the mask quickly followed by Dog. Orochimaru's eyes widened slightly, he knew about the commander of the anbu, but it still surprised him that he was so young and parading around as the genin he knew to be on Sasuke's team! Even though Jiraiya told him not long after he came back it never really clicked in place until he saw Naruto without his mask.

"So basically we're going to have to fight an army of the dead." commented Orochimaru after shaking himself out of his moment of shock..

"Yep and sadly it won't be simple zombies. The only chance we have is to find out where he is and stop him before he activates the jutsu." said Naruto who was paying careful attention to Kakashi's vibrations ... his lover was really worried.

Sarutobi frowned, "Is there any way to do that?

"I couldn't even trace Zetsu's movements. The second he went into the ground he disappeared so I couldn't even get a general direction." muttered a concerned blonde.

"And there haven't been any transmissions either." The snake sage remarked with a sigh, "Anko should be back any minute to report on what kind of bodies have been taken. That should tell us what we're up against."

Kakashi nodded, "That would help. Itachi and Shisui have taken control of watching Sasuke ... what? Itachi wouldn't take no for an answer." Kakashi muttered when he saw the puzzled looks on the other ninjas faces.

Snake entered the room, "I've checked a number of other villages and there are a lot of reports for stolen bodies of strong fighters so this will be a huge problem especially if he brings back the former hokages too." She said as she removed her snake anbu mask. Anko then pulled out a map and laid it on the table with multiple locations marked.

"That's a big problem ... if Obito's original goal was to get Sasuke's eyes then he could use his army and simply take them." Kakashi said.

"He probably got tired of waiting for his eyes and decided to use a different approach." said Orochimaru as he examined the map, "He never said it, but I'm positive he was worried about his eyes and wanted me to perform some experimental surgeries with bloodlines that reside in the eyes."

Naruto raised an eyebrow, "That's right ... were you and Kabuto the only ones involved with those experiments?"

"Yes. Sasori and Obito both tried to see what was going on, but they could only get pieces of information." The snake sage explained.

"So you and Kabuto would be valuable to him." said Sarutobi.

"I suppose, but because of that information that was deliberately leaked he thinks we're both dead-..." Orochimaru groaned and leaned back in his chair as a realization hit him. "Why do I have the feeling you guys have another plan that includes my death?"

Sarutobi patted his former student on the shoulder, "Because we do." Anko snickered and the rest looked a little sheepish.

"If it helps we don't actually need you dead. We just need a Cadaver Clone using your blood. We need to trace where Obito is and we can't put the required seals on your real body without causing pain and injury." said Naruto.

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