Let's Begin

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"Son of a bitch ... tell me what you need me to do, sensei." The slug sage remarked, she was ready for action, but will it be enough ...


Naruto chuckled at the sight of the clearly nervous Uchiha, "Would you calm down! You'll be fine. What did Itachi say when you asked him about the exams?" The blonde asked as they waited for Sakura to join them so they could enter the Chunin exams.

"He said 'use your head and don't die' ... that's it." Sasuke pouted as Naruto started laughing. "It's not funny."

"Yeah it is ... don't worry so much." The commander said.

"Easy for you to say. You already passed this exam. You actually don't need to worry." said Sasuke.

(Oh I wouldn't say that. This test will give everyone a run for their money.) thought the anbu commander who was concerned about the mission in the second part of the test.

"Hey, guys! I'm here. Sorry for taking so long, I realized I was low on medical supplies and went to stock up." said Sakura as she ran over to her teammates.

The blonde shrugged, "No problem, we're still early." He said as he walked with his team into the building where the chunin exams were being held. Sakura and Sasuke were so wrapped up in their conversation about different bomb making methods that they walked right passed a crowd of genin who were on the wrong floor ... an incident that made Naruto grateful for Anko's meddling in team 7's training ...

Kakashi looked up as he saw team 7 coming, "Are you all ready for what's coming?" They all nodded. "Awww our cute little genin are all grown up."

Sakura raised an eyebrow, "Ours?"

"Yes, me and my precious." Kakashi said as he tapped his book implying that he was talking about his book which made the pinkette sweat drop. Kakashi left in a puff of smoke and they went into the room full of genin hopefuls. Naruto immediately locked onto vibrations coming from Kabuto who was clearly worried and not about the test ...


Tsunade frowned as she double checked everything in the makeshift hospital room under the tower in the middle of the Forest of Death with Shizune and an anbu with a Snake mask. "It's crude, but it will do. I'd feel better if we were in an actual hospital, but I'd hate to think of the uproar and panic of the villagers if we brought a supposed traitor into the hospital instead of jail. Of course, if we explained ahead of time Obito would just use the ring to kill him so this really is our only option."

"So do you need anything else, Tsunade-sama?" asked Snake.

"No ... you were Orochimaru's student, weren't you? He gushed about you, you know ... you made him proud." said Tsunade.

Anko removed her mask, "I always looked up to him ... he was a great sensei ... and I foolishly believed what they said about him ... I knew him better than most and I believed everything."

"I know how you feel. Hell, he was my teammate and I believed it ..." said the medic solemnly.

Shizune sighed, "Everyone did, that's what Danzo wanted, but we can fix this by getting him out of this mess with the Akatsukis. Any sightings yet?"

"Yes and Orochimaru has two members of the Akatsuki with him, which isn't too surprising since we knew they were starting to get suspicious of him. It will be our job to distract them while you take care of Orochimaru." said Anko.


"OK MAGGOTS! Pick a number and take your seats!" yelled the scarred proctor named Ibiki. Everyone did as ordered, but Naruto didn't really pay any attention to Ibiki as he explained the test. He was too focused on Kakashi who was tapping morse code to him from outside in a tree not far away ...

: We received a report that two members of the Akatsuki are with Orochimaru. They have not been identified. :

The commander leaned back and subtly signaled to Kakashi ... 'The plan should remain the same.'

: Understood, we distract or eliminate the Akatsuki so Orochimaru can be freed before Obito gets suspicious and kills him.:

'Yes, but Itachi will make sure Sasuke and Sakura get to the tower safely and then join us.'

: Be careful, Naruto, I love you. :

'You be careful too, I love you too.' The secretly blind ninja smiled as he felt the puppy vibrations twitch happily and then blushed violently as Kakashi tapped out some very perverted remarks about their sex life ...

Ibiki finished explaining the rules and passing out the test, "Ok Begin!" He glanced at Naruto and raised an eyebrow as he saw the blonde blushing, but being one of the few people in that room who knew the blonde's abilities he didn't point it out ...

It wasn't a difficult test by any means. Naruto just let Sasuke and Sakura figure out the cheating angle and ignored everything else. The most interesting part of the test was at the end when Anko coming flying through the window scaring the crap out of the genin in the room before dragging them to the next test.

"My brother told me about this place ... it's far creepier in person." Sasuke muttered as he looked at the frightening forest just beyond the gate with the sign reading 'area 44' on it.

Anko sat on said gate, "Alright wimps! First things first, we don't want any issues in case you die or get injured so you have to sign this." She held up a piece of paper. "Hurry up and when your teammate brings back the form they will be given a scroll, either a heaven or earth scroll. You need both to pass and don't open the scrolls until you're in the tower. You have five days." Naruto sweat dropped at Anko's strange behavior ... it was like she was trying to rush this, but she had to calm down before she made any mistakes.

Sasuke collected team 7's signed sheets and went to get a scroll, "Ok so they were hiding the scrolls the other teams have so we have to search for the right team."

Sakura sighed, "That does make things tricky, oh well."

Each team stood near one of the entrance gates. Anko gave the signal and everyone dashed into the dangerous forest. The second Naruto sensed Itachi following behind the team he swapped out with a clone and followed after the vibrations he knew as that of the snake sage ...


A man with a double bladed scythe smirked, "So, Orochimaru, what's it like being in the village that hates your guts?"

Orochimaru frowned, "Now isn't the time, Hidan. He have to get to Sasuke."

"He's right. Now shut up, Hidan." said a heavily scarred man with strange eyes.

"Fuck you, Kakuzu!" Hidan screamed.

(I hope this works I don't know how much more of this I can take.) The irritated snake sage thought as he was forced to listen to Hidan's foul mouth while they moved through the forest of death.

"Orochimaru." The cloaked Akatsuki members stopped and saw an anbu with a Bat mask. "What is your business here?" Bat asked as he drew a kunai. He only had to play dumb for now ...

The snake sage shrugged, "Just strolling down memory lane." (Thank god! Get me out of here! I'm so done with this shit!) He mentally cried.

"Is that so ..." Bat easily dodged a swipe from Hidan's scythe who tried to catch him off guard and kill him. Bat sent out a pulse of chakra and Snake, Dog and Crow appeared at his side ...

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