chapter 1: I Miss Youuuuuuu

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(FYI S/N means side note which is basically just me sayin something kinda like an authors note so idk yeah lol)

Hannah's P.O.V

*on FaceTime with Devyn and Katrina*

" Oh my god WAIT!" I said as I was talking to Dev and Kat on FaceTime. "How long has it been since we've seen each other in person?? Cause it's been like wayyyyy too long. AND I STILL NEED TO MEET KAT IN PERSON UGH" I said talking a sip of the smoothie I had just made (idc if you like smoothies or not I'm out of ideas and it's only the first chapter smh lol). Me, Devyn, and Kat had been talking and catching up with each other for almost 2 hours now, even though we text in our group chat all the time and FaceTime AT LEAST once every week but almost always more. "Ummm, I think it's been almost a year and 1/2" Devyn said pausing and looking up to think about her answer, "wait.. no, it's been almost 2 years oh my god." "wait actually?" I said. Woah, how could we go two full years without seeing each other. It seems like it was just yesterday I was dropping Corey and Devyn off before they got on their plane that took them away to California, damn how time flew.

"Omgg you NEED to come to LA and visit! It would be soooo fun you could finally see Devyn and Corey again and meet the me and the roommates!!!!" Kat said with excitement. " Oh my f-ing god YES!" you and Dev said in unison. We both giggled after we said the same thing at the same time, since it was something we always did. " ok y'all are trippy as hell" Kat said with a nervous, light hearted laugh. "Hey. it's what sisters do" I replied giggling. In the background I heard a door open and close. Kat and Devyn both turned their heads to see who came in.

" what's up guys, COREY SCHERER HEREE!!!!" I heard Corey yell as he entered the room. "So whatcha girls up toooo" he said as he came up to devyn and hugged her from behind, making her smile widely. "hey babyyyy" he said before giving devyn a small peck on the lips.

" Um excuse me SIR, are you actually ignoring the fact that your BEST FRIEND IS ON FACETIME?" i said with a laugh. " Oh my god HANNAH i miss you bestieeee!" Corey said dragging out the e. "I miss you tooooo. i need to come and visit soon so i can see you!" i said. I wonder if i could go to Cali anytime soon... I thought to myself. "YES YOU DOO" they all replied at once. "See Kat, me and Devyn aren't the only people who do the trip word thing haha" you said to kat with a small laugh.

"Anyways, I gotta go guys it's getting late here and I have to wake up early tomorrow" I said with a sigh. "Okay hopefully we can see you soon Hannah!" corey said. "bye Hannah!" Devyn and kat said. "Byeeee" i said with a small wave and ended the FaceTime.

I plugged in and shut my laptop then made my way to the bathroom to take a shower. I turned on the water and waited for it to warm up while i took my light brown/blonde hair out of the messy bun I had it in and took off my clothes before stepping into the steam-filled shower. I just sat there for a moment letting the warm water relax my muscles and take away any stress I had from earlier that day. As i was washing my hair i thought about how much I missed devyn and Corey. Before they moved to California we used to do almost everything together. When they started dating I feared Devyn would forget about me and replace me with corey, but instead we formed our own little "squad",(S/N i can't think of anything else so lets just say they're a squad cause why not lmaoo)with me as the third wheel of course. But i didn't care at all, after all they are the definition of couples goals, and we all got along like we knew each other our whole lives, even though in me and devyns case that was true. corey became the big brother figure i never had and Devyn and i grew even closer, which i didnt know possible.

I finished up in the bathroom, rapped my towel around my waist started waking back to my room. yes, i still live at home with my parents at 20 years old don't judge me lol. i walked down the hallway and passed devyn's old room. A rush of old bitter sweet memories came flooding back into my mind as i opened the door to reveal the somewhat empty room. She had left some of her things like her bed, vanity, and dresser since she was going to buy new ones once she got to LA. I remembered the all the good times like all the countless sleepovers we had in her room, when told each other secrets we only told each other, did each others make up, and stayed up late making jokes and telling funny stories with flashlights under the blankets as little kids. Then there were the serious or sad times, like when we comforted each other about boys drama, and heartbreak, gave each other advice about anything we needed, and the saddest of all, when she sat me down and told me she was moving away to LA. I still remember it vividly, how shocked and sad i was. but i was also very happy for her, because i knew she would be happy with corey and he would protect her, and i could always call and visit her.


"call me if anything bad happens. i'll book a plane ticket and be there in a heartbeat, ok?" devyn said as she smiled sadly knowing they had to bored the plan soon. I nodded yes, knowing if I said anything verbally it would cause me to break down and cry, and she knew it too. We each let a few tears slip from our eyes as we pulled each other into one final embrace before corey and devyn had to get on the plane. we let each other go and let out quiet sniffles trying to hold back anymore more tears left in our eyes. I reached over to corey who's eyes were slightly water and gave him one last tight hug. we pulled apart and they grabbed their carry-on bags. They began walking towards the ticket lady and handed their tickets to her. she glanced at them then handed the back, smiling wishing them a nice flight. Just before they went into the tunnel thing that you go into when you get on a plane,(I forgot wtf it's called lmao y'all know what I'm talking about), they turned around and waved saying their final goodbyes. As we waved me and devyn let our final tears fall. and with, that they turned around and got on the plain.

(flashback over)

I blinked the tears that had slightly formed in my eyes away and started heading back to my room. God I miss them so much it hurts, i thought to myself while slipping into my pajamas and crawling tiredly into bed. I wonder how much a plane ticket to LA would cost? i wondered as I snuggled deeper into my covers and slowly drifted off to sleep.

S/N: at the end of every chapter I'm sometimes gonna do this thing called Authors Analysis which is basically a recap of the chapter and how i feel about it if you don't like it you don't have to read it lmao

Authors Analysis:

word count(including authors analysis and this): 1458

ok so for the first chapter of my first story i feel like this is an ok start lol. dang, that flashback of corey and devyn gave me the feels rip. also feel free to comment any suggestions for the story and if you liked it. obviously I'm a fan of colby and all the old trap house(rip trap house) members + devyn, katrina, brennen, elton, and their other friends Oh yeah and my names hannah btw and I'm NOT writing this story about myself i just legit put like ten names in a random names generator and it picked hannah so why tf not lmao. anyways this is the first chapter i hope y'all like it so ya peace out mah dudes(i say that to everyone lmao) CYA!

For You and For You Only (a Colby Brock fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now