Escape Route

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I opened my eyes to see that I was in a small dark room, bare walls, and a door with a clear window on it. I slowly got up, it was hard because I was dizzy. I stumbled trying to get to the door, I looked through the window to see if I can see who my captors are.

There was a group of men in suits, just standing around talking to one another. They didn't seem to notice that I was peering through the tiny window, until one of the men looked my way. I quickly dove down and pretended like I was still passed out. The door flew open, I opened my eyes just a little, to see what was going on. I saw the shadows of three men, and more coming behind them.

"We know you're awake girl." One man said.

"You can stop pretending." Another one said as he picked me up and set me on a chair that another man brought.

"What's your involvment with Torchwood Katie Marshall?" Someone said as they were walking  in the room from behind the rest of the men.

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

"We looked through your wallet." The man that just walked in said. "My name is, well you can call me Noname. I perfer you didn't know my real name."

"What do you want with me?"

"Why you are involved with Torchwood. Also so that you can send a message to Captain Jack Harkness. But what I really find interesting is that why you don't show up on any data bases from 2009 until now. Last time you were seen was in London 2009. It's 2011 now, where have you been?" Noname said.

"It's a long story."

"Well we got time. We have all the time in the world. Because as we speak, people are starting to not die. We are all going to essentially live forever."

"You're insane!"

"Tell me why you were gone for a year and a half!" Noname shouted. So I told him. I told him all about me wanting to run away from home, and a vacation to London was just a cover-up. How I accidentally walked into Torchwood, and was offered a job. Worked at Torchwood, then told them I went into hiding for a year and a half. They started asking questions about the bomb that went off in Cardiff, and wondered where I was while all this was happening. I lied and I told them I was hiding in a little cottage in Scottland. They seemed to believe me, until they started asking questions about how I got back into the United States undetected. I told them I had a whole new identity over in London, and that is how I was able to get back without detection. They started asking more and more questions, and it was hard to lie to them. I didn't know what they were going to do. Except for the whole, everyone in the world isnt' going to die anymore.

"Why are you not letting anyone in the world die?" I asked.

"Think of it as a gift, from yours truely." Noname said, "Now stop asking the questions." By this time it was just Noname and me in the cell, the door was propped open, Noname was just standing in the front of the door. Without hesitation, I stood up, picked up the chair, rammed it into Noname's stomach and ran the hell out of the cell block. I dropped my chair for a crowbar that I saw lying on the floor of a long passageway. As men would start to come at me I would hit them with my crowbar. I heard someone shout "Don't shoot!" I hid down a tunnel, and behind a doorway that was covered by a big, thick, plastic curtain. No one came into my hiding spot. There was only one window luminating the room. I found a few large boxes, and decided to hide in one of them, just in case one of those men decided to come looking for me.

I sat in the box for about an hour before I heard someone come in the room. It was two large men, they weren't the muscle kind though. There was a small hole in the box I was hiding, and was able to see the two men slopily look around for me.

"Well I guess she isn't here Tom." One man said.

"Yep. She ain't here, Brad." Tom said.

"Want to go grab a beer after work?" Brad asked.

"Yeah, I need an excuse to be away from the kids." Tom said.

 "What are you two IDIOTS doing?" Noname asked as he came into the room as well.

"We were looking for the girl." Brad said.

"She probably couldn't have gotten this far. Keep looking somewhere else." Noname said.

"Yes sir!" Tom and Brad said at the same time.

All three men left. I waited until the absolute moment to come out, and finish my escape. I slowly walked over to the window, and kept peering over to the doorway to make sure no one was walking in. This was obviously an old building, because there was a ladder right outside the window, and the lock was broken too! This is turning out to be a better escape plan than I thought, until I heard more voices coming my way. I quickly ran in another box, this one unfortunatly had something dead in it. I heard men come through the doorway step a few feet into the room, and then leave. Another close call.

I ran back to the window to finish my escape. I flew open the window and stepped out onto the ladder and climbed down. The ladder was so old that it started falling appart as I was climbing down. There were a few momements where I just held on to the ladder with a death grip. I couldn't just slide down like what the firemen do, because there were shards of metal sticking out of the pole. Nor could I jump down. I was still twenty feet in the air. If only Captain Jack Harkness were here right now.

But nope, It was the Doctor, with his TARDIS that appeared. "Katie take my hand and I'll pull you in." He said.

"Are you crazy?! I'll fall!" I screamed.

"Just trust me." He said.

I let go of the railing with one hand, and still had me legs wrapped around the pole, while reaching out for the Doctor's hand. He pulled me in, and I was safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2014 ⏰

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