Chapter 1

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The smell of coffee invaded his senses as soon as he entered the room. Sighing inwardly, his dark gaze took in his surroundings. People were still filtering into the dimly lit room, some people looking shadier than others, as they took a seat in chairs set up in a circle. Itachi calmly made his way towards the metal fold up chairs, claiming one with an open seat on both sides of him. The metal scraped loudly against the floor as he sat. Glancing at the yellow stained clock on the wall, he noted that this meeting should start any minute.

"Hello everyone. Let's get started, shall we?" Itachi's gaze landed on the man dictating this event. The man stood in the middle of the circle, waiting for the few stragglers to take their seats. "Now I'd like everyone to go around and introduce themselves. I'll start us off. Hi, I'm Mark and I'm an alcoholic." A chorus of 'Hi Mark' erupted from the group, Itachi going along with the process.

Honestly, he was only here because he parent's forced him into attending these AA meetings. Sure he drank on occasion, mainly a glass of scotch once he got off work, but his parents insisted he had a problem and he needed to fix it if he was to inherit the family company. Itachi mused that his poor younger brother would probably have to face the same thing once he turns twenty-one.

"It's your turn, friend. This is a safe space so feel free to share anything you feel comfortable with." Itachi was brought out of his thoughts as he quickly composed himself as he stood up from his chair, all eyes on him.

"Hi, I'm Itachi and I'm an alcoholic."

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