Chapter 8

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A groan passed Itachi's lips as the sound of a door closing woke him up. Opening his dark orbs, Itachi glanced towards the hall where the sound resonated. His dark gaze landed on a mortified and hungover looking [Name] standing in the hall staring right back at him. Blinking his eyes a few times, Itachi tried to figure out if his eyes were playing tricks on him.

"Did I take your bed? I'm so sorry." [Name] stammered out, not daring to move from where she was standing. A slight smile crossed Itachi's lips as he sat up from lying on the couch, the thin blanket pooling on his hips and his hair loose over his shoulder.

"No, my little brother surprised me with a visit so I gave him my room." [Name] slightly nodded her head as she awkwardly glanced around his home. "Would you like to take a seat? I can brew us some coffee." [Name's] [e/c] eyes turned towards him, slightly surprised before she hesitantly nodded and made her way into the living room. Itachi gave her a slight smile as she took a seat in the recliner by the couch. Draping his blanket over the back of the couch, Itachi stood up and made his way to towards the kitchen to put on some coffee. "Do you need some Advil?" Itachi questioned upon noticing [Name] rub her temples. She just nodded weakly, a small 'yes please' leaving her lips as Itachi retrieved the pill bottle from the cupboard. Maybe now he'd finally be able get some answers and learn a little more about her.

"Thank you..." [Name] muttered softly as she took the mug Itachi handed her. Itachi just gave her a short nod as he took a seat on the couch, watching as she sipped the dark liquid. Upon swallowing, her [e/c] gaze lifted from the mug in her hands and at him. "Aren't you going to ask me any questions?"

"Not unless you want to talk about what happened. If you don't want to I won't force you." Itachi answered, taking a sip from his own mug of coffee. [Name's] gaze dropped back down towards her mug as hands wrapped around the ceramic as if to keep them warm.

"... I-I used to be in an abusive relationship. Long story short, I started drinking to cope with the abuse, he got arrested after taking it too far, a restraining order was placed and I was recommended to attend those AA meetings to get my drinking under control." Itachi listened to [Name] diligently as she took a deep breath and brought her gaze up to meet with his. "Yesterday, he ended up showing up at my place. I freaked out, we fought, and one thing led to another and the next thing I remember is finding solace in a bottle of Jack." Itachi nodded, letting the information sink in.

"Is it safe for you to return home?" Itachi questioned, concerned for her well-being.

"Yeah, once I threatened calling the police he left. I don't know if he'll have the guts to show up again though."

"If he does, feel free to give me a call anytime. Even if you just want or need someone to talk to." A light blush dusted [Name's] cheeks as she looked back down at her coffee, a small smile inching at her lips as she voiced a small 'thank you'. That just made him want to help her all the more.

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