Chapter 9 - Captured

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Chapter 9

"Please," Ely pleaded to Alex.  "May I ride alone?"

He gave her a wry glance from atop his horse, eyes flicking down her form.  They had all dismounted, taking a break to stretch and relieve themselves before continuing on to the castle.  It had to be well passed midnight. Judging by the placement of the moon, they had a couple of hours left to ride.

It wasn't safe for her to ride with him any longer. Alex was becoming too overwhelmed with conflicting emotions. He quickly went from fury back to wide eyed lust remembering the princess' every curve, creamy porcelain skin, the shadow of pert nipples and her blazing emerald eyes.   It made the tightness in his pants worse. 

"Alright," he grumbled, snapping his fingers to another guard to give the Princess a horse.

Alex watched the princess as she expertly mounted while all the other soldiers did the same. With a whip on the reigns, his horse began to move forward. He kept a careful watch on  Elyena as she urged her stead into a trot.  A heavy sinking twist of guilt settled lower and lower in Alex's gut with each trudge forward.  His father, the preacher in Alex's hometown, would be ashamed of what he was doing to this poor woman.  The rightful Princess of Kildare at that!  All his teachings, morals, and discipline were kicked out the door when Alex agreed to this mission.

"Alex," he commented after a long silence, eyes barely flicking in her direction.

"What?" she replied, flinching and quirking an eyebrow.

"My name," softened brown eyes gazed at her, "is Alex."

With a sigh, she confessed, "Elyena O'Donnell of Kildare."

They rode in silence under the moonlight.  With a sideways glance, Alex caught a view of Elyena's profile.  The way her loose tendrils billowed in time with the horses hooves, the slight curve of her lips as if lost in a fond memory caused Alex's gut to tighten.  Her brazen attitude, this woman's boldness.  Many features on this princess reminded him of someone long gone from his life.  The muscle in his heart ached with guilt.

Perhaps it was not too late to save her? Especially from this man who wanted her.  Recalling his past beloved one, Alex asked her, "Tell me Princess, why does Killian desire you in a different way than most men?"

Ely shot him a sideways glance, lips pressing together into a thin line.   She inhaled, lips parting to answer when another voice cut in through the darkness.

"Well now, this," the voice chimed, "will not do.  Here I am riding non stop to hopefully stumble across the person my employer wishes me to collect and here she is being abducted by others."  Finally emerging from the darkness of the trees, he clicked his tongue, shaking his head. "I simply cannot stand by and allow this to happen."

A man donned in black hardened leather armor and a black mask covering his eyes stood with his arms crossed over his chest. His long black hair was kept back with a leather tie. He appeared to be completely unarmed but his hand shifted suspiciously to his belt.

"I must declare that her Highness shall be coming with me.  Please give the usurper my regards as well as those of my employer."

"I am not going anywhere with you," Elyena spat, impressing Alex with her boldness.  His brows rose and lips quirked.

The masked man stopped a few yards in front of the guards. Ignoring their drawn swords and flanking of the princess, he pulled down his mask. His face was youthful with a twinkle of laughter in his violet eyes.  Alex heard Elyena's soft gasp, watched her brows furrowed.

"Where are my manners," he bowed his head, a grin spread across his full lips when he stood upright.  Elyena stiffened, shoulders squared at the chauvinistic action.   "Dear Princess, you are old enough to decide things on your own. My Lady, would you care to go with these men to the tyrant King or," he extended his hand in obnoxious faux chivalry.  "Would you ride with me to the safety of my employer?"

Alex scoffed. 

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