Chapter 25 - Wedding

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Chapter 25

Sadness weighed on Ely's heart this day.  A month of closely monitoring the village people but Vanessa did not bring the news they hoped for.  Infrastructure improved, building projects for the orphanage were being planned and wells were being dug.  However, Ely did not feel that the prisoners were strong enough yet.  Especially for a rebellion that surely would lead to war and unrest.  Plus, they didn't have anywhere to send them.

A whirlwind month of wedding plans, gown choices, symbolic items to gather had the pressure growing heavier with each passing day.  Ely could hardly eat.  Ely barely slept, consumed by the pressure to further the rebellion before the fateful day.  She didn't want to have to marry Killian.  Her hope of the rebellion stopping that event had shattered.  The royal wedding now stared her in the face.  On what should be a woman's happiest day, Ely's chest tightened with swirling emotions.

They were too late.

The breathtaking fairy tale dress sat on her curves.  Ornate details, not a single one missed, intentionally to have every eye set on the royal bride.  Truly fit for a Queen.

Pale baby blue silk. It served as a reminder of the occasional flecks Ely would see in Killian's eyes. The gold symbol of her royal station, beading and embroidery telling a story of complicated beauty.  The sweetheart neckline gave a modest hint of her womanly shape.  It truly was breathtaking.

"I found them," Vanessa declared, bursting into the chamber.  "I found them Ely!"

Chest swelling at the sight, a smile still tugged at her lips seeing the pair of her aunt's shoes.  A symbol of old as she crossed into a new life.  Bare toes attached to trembling legs slipped into the shoes Vanessa crouched to hold out for Ely, fitting like they were made for her.

"Are you ready?" Vanessa asked quietly, hands clasped around Ely's.

Eyes up at the ceiling, Ely took deep breaths fighting away the moisture. Her parents should be here, her aunt and uncle should be here.  But they were gone.  Thankfully, Vanessa was here.  If  her aunt and Uncle were alive, Ely would be married to a strong, honorable match. Perhaps a mother by now.  Vanessa would be married off as well.  How different their lives had become.

Duty, honor, sacrifice for the good of the kingdom.  That was her present reality.

"Yes," Ely sighed.  "I am ready."

Vanessa released Ely's hands, cupping her cheeks.  "This is not the end, Ely."  The younger sister nodded fervently, forcing her mind to believe her sisters words.  "The people grow stronger every day.  You have lit hope in their hearts."

"We have, Vanessa."

"Yes, but listen to me."  Vanessa's lip trembled, hazel eyes searching Ely's to hold her attention.  "Do anything you must, make excuses, anything to not consummate this evening.  That deed makes the marriage binding.  If you do not consummate, we can have the marriage annulled.  Do you understand me?"

"Yes," she replied weakly. Tears streamed down her face.


Turning to open the door for Ely, she reached out and grabbed her sister's arm.  "Wait. "

"What is wrong?"  Vanessa turned to face Ely, letting the door close softly.

"Wh-what if he," Ely bit her lip to stop the trembling, "forces me?" 

"I thought of that," Vanessa nodded then pulled a foul green vile out of her belt cinching the navy silk gown.  "Pour this in his drink when he is not looking.  The alchemist assured me it will make him fall asleep for several hours."

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