Chapter 36 - Deeper

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Chapter 36

After the servant cleared their dinner plates, Ely reached for her goblet.  Bringing it to her lips, she took several sips.  Killian drank the sweet liquid in his goblet just as heartily. The dinner had been delicious indeed. That only left them with one last thing.

Killian's eyes reflected coyness, though the devious smirk could not be pushed away. "Will you need a hand preparing for your bath?"

"Yes, that would be lovely."

Ely stood gracefully and began walking toward the bathroom. She glided across the marble floor, kicking off one leather slipper then the next. Turning to give one last look at Killian from outside the bathroom door, Ely untied the sash of the robe and let it slip with an elegant flow down her body to land silently onto the floor.  Ely rested her hand on the doorway and grinned at Killian, covering her mouth to stifle the giggle at his stunned, jaw dropped expression.

Batting her eyelashes she asked, "Are you coming?"

She disappeared into the bathroom.

Her question snapped him into movement. The boots he wore came off with haste and a loud double thunk.  With a hungry grin, he strode toward the bathroom.

Killian slowly shrugged the robe off his broad shoulders letting it fall to the ground with a soft flutter joining Ely's chemise on the tile floor.

"I am a bit overdressed to assist with your bath, am I not?"

"No, I do not think you are overdressed at all," she shrugged. "Unless, of course, you do not wish to do laundry at the same time as you bathe."

Ely pivoted, auburn tendrils fanning around her.  She ascended onto the shallow platform around the outside of the tub then stepped in the warm water. Facing Killian, Ely grinned and slowly lowered beneath the water's surface, eyes rolling closed.

"Mmmm, wonderful!"

Ely leaned back against the tub, indeed drinking in Killian's incredibly muscular form, desiring terribly to demand he get in, but no. She couldn't.  The teasing wasn't done yet. As Killian stood there, shoulders rolled back, muscles flexed, Ely continued in the delicious teasing game they were batting back and forth at each other.

"Is this," his wry smile returned, "better?"

Her face morphed into a pout, slowly shaking her head "no". The flash of mischief in those dilated emerald orbs revealed Ely was in no way disappointed but still desiring more.

A coy frown spread upon Killian's face. "Dear, oh dear. " He strode forward. "I do not wish my-" Another stride. "Queen-" One more stride, lips curving into a smirk at Ely's deep inhale when he said Queen, "To be upset." Both hands grasped the edge of the tub.  He leaned forward. "I believe I can help, however."

The first strong leg swung over the tub, sinking into the water.

"Getting warmer? Any better?"

Even without an answer, of course Killian continued to climb into the bathtub with her. They both fit within the spacious vessel, close yet comfortable, but Killian was far from satisfied.

Killian leaned forward.  He adjusted himself so he was suddenly leaning over Ely. The coy smile became a lusty one.

"How about," his warm breath on her lips, "now?"

Ely's grin became more and more difficult to hide.  Killian played along wonderfully.  She bit her lower lip when he finally stepped into the tub.  Heart racing, Ely raked her teeth over her lower lip.  The deeper Killian  sunk into the water, the deeper Ely knew she was sinking.  Turning back was no longer and option.  She would convinced Vanessa to go about the rebellion a different way.  How could Ely betray Killian now?

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