Chapter 27 - Gifts and Arguments

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Chapter 27

Golden rays of the morning sun poured through Ely's open window brightening up the room in a beautiful glow.  Ely stirred, rolled over and stretched her arms upward.  The gesture urged the sheets to pull down, revealing her nakedness.  This had become a routine every few nights the last several weeks except when she had her monthly.  Killian would come into her room for a short time then leave.  Ely would lay her chemise on the floor sleeping naked so her maids would find her in that state.  This ensured castle gossip that Killian had bedded her again, fueled by hope of an heir soon.  It was a natural expectation of a royal couple.  Ely sat up, tugged the sheets up to her bare chest and peered around the room as Brenna slipped through the door, cradling two small bundles.

"Good morning, My Lady," Brenna greeted.   She dipped into a small curtsy then approached the bed.

"Morning," Ely looked over at the large window admiring the sun's new day brightness.

"The king was summoned early to council meetings and requested this be left for you along with a message that he would see you later." Brenna smiled at Ely, laying down the first bundle.

Smiling softly and scooting to the edge of the bed, Ely took the bundle and untied the string that tightly held the wrapped cloth. A small piece of paper was on top with a handwritten message in typical man writing that read, Fit for a Queen. Ely's breath hitched when she opened it.  It wasn't an extra fancy dress but it was lovely nonetheless. 

Turquoise blue linen with white flowers laid along the waist and a brown sash. Ely caressed the embroidery along the neckline gingerly and smiled.

"Shall we put it on?" Brenna asked.

Once dressed, Brenna passed the second package to Ely. Opening that one she found a rectangular box. The hand carved knotted design along the outside of the box was gorgeous.  A matching handle was fashioned out of the side to carry the box. Ely found the latch, unlocked it then lifted the top open.

She gasped.  Her grin was wide seeing the contents and read yet another message in the same style handwriting. Make it as beautiful as you. A small tear fell down Ely's cheek, lips curving into a delighted smile.  She peered up at a curious Brenna, eyes dancing with excitement to show what was in there.

One by one, Ely lifted out each item. A small shovel, a square of thick fabric to sit on, dozens of small bags of herbs and flowers. Laughter bubbled from her lips seeing the map, a scavenger hunt which gave clues for where to find stones for decorating and dirt for planting. She was truly touched by this gesture and closed the box.

"We have a garden to start today."

Ely's face radiated with excitement and her smile only broadened more when she saw Brenna's matching glee.

Taking Brenna by the hand, Ely led the girl out a hidden side door. She glanced back, smiling wide at the doe-eyed look of confusion on Brenna's face. They descended the spiral stairs, girlish giggles echoing in the stone corridor. They pushed out another door to be met with gleaming sunshine

In nervous silence, they strolled along the grass in the side vegetable garden used by the kitchen staff.  Until they reached one of the castle towers and the wall that surrounded the castle. Ely released Brenna's hand to give a hard push on one of the stones and a small door opened.

"I used to take this route as a girl," Ely giggled, beckoning Brenna to follow.

They walked through the archway and Ely closed the door. They didn't have to walk long in the dark corridor before Ely pushed yet another door open.  She saw no one around outside then signaled for Brenna to follow. When they emerged, they were in the far opposite corner of the flower garden.

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