Chapter 22 - Plots

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Chapter 22

Dorian carried Vane, Vanessa, through the bustling tavern hall and up the stairs to his lodging. He nudged the door open with his foot, set Vanessa on the edge of the bed.  He returned to the door, turning the lock in the small room.  It was quaint and basic with a bed, wooden table, holding a clay wash basin and one large window that gave in an excellent vantage point over the main portion of the village.

"There is no point hiding the truth is there?" he exhaled heavily.  His back faced Vanessa.

"Yes, I am one of King Dakarta's men but I am doing exactly what I told you.  Collecting information." Dorian spun around to face her, staring directly into glassy eyes crossing his arms over his chest. " Since I have been honest with you, how about you be honest with me?"

Vanessa pressed her lips into a thin line. She stared firmly in the direction of his eyes since most of his face was hidden in shadow beneath his cloak hood. She wiped her shaky palms on her dress, then sighed.

"I suppose there is no point in the facade for me, either. You have seen my face long enough to know exactly who I am."

"Yes, I have been well trained on the origins of Kildare. Specifically the royal bloodline that ruled this kingdom while it was still prosperous. It was not known for certain you were still alive," he explained, taking long strides forward to tower above her. "Our primary target was Elyena."

Looking down, she shook her head, "No. I am the older sister, Vanessa."

Nodding his understanding, Dorian could hardly contain the swell of triumph.  Her presence at the royal wedding, announcement at the ball sent news flying the older sister was alive.  Dakarta would be thrilled to hear the older sister was allowed freedom to enter the village.  This could provide excellent intel.  If she was on their side.

"I see," he mused, crossing his arms over his chest again.  "Shall I return you back to the-"

"No!" Vanessa interjected, louder than intended.  "No. I-I am not ready to return to the castle," she finally admitted. "We must be cautious.  I assure you, I am being watched."

"That is a good point," he chuckled boldly sitting on the bed beside her.  "Tell me," Dorian sighed, shifting to sit leaning his back on the headboard, crossing his ankles. "How is Queen Elyena doing in her new role? I attempted to rescue her."

Turning to face him, Vanessa's eyes widened in surprise, "Y-you tried to rescue her? "

"I was sent on this mission by Dakarta," Dorian explained, interlacing his fingers behind his head.  "The focus has been to rescue Elyena because we had operated under the natural assumption you had been killed.  Now our mission is to get you both out."

Tears formed in Vanessa's eyes.  "To answer your inquiry, Ely is healthy physically. I have been working on keeping her strong of heart and mind. Surprisingly," she scoffed, "Killian is being quite a gentleman to her. Any request from Ely, he will grant."

Vanessa laid back chuckling but it wasn't cheerful. "This morning she showed me one of his gifts to her.  Apparently he has ambitions."

"What ambitions?" Dorian pursued, interested in the intel.

"She married him in exchange for my freedom from the prison, but he," Vanessa grimaced, "is courting her. He has been since she arrived back.  They were walking through the gardens this morning when I left."

Covering her face with her thin hands, Vanessa groaned, "Now I suspect she has grown too close to him." Vanessa turned onto her side, peering up at Dorian who held her gaze listening intently.  "I do not want to plot against my sister, but if she truly falls for him, I may have to take drastic measures to save Elyena from herself."

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