Chapter 19 - Village

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Chapter 19

"I cannot believe you agreed to this, Ely!"

"What else was I supposed to say?"  Ely huffed as she buttoned the riding brown cloak.  She was done having this argument again with her sister.  Vanessa was less than pleased the previous day when Ely returned from her surprise rendezvous along with Killian's offer.

Vanessa scoffed, crossed her arms and turned to face the window in the tower room.  "You could have said no."

"Rightful or not, Killian is the reigning King!" Ely walked across the room, lying her hands on her sisters arms.  "Think of the good it will do for the people if the projects can come to fruition.  I could get his blessing and bring great improvement to their quality of life."

"The people need food, Ely,"  Vanessa retorted, turning her face toward Elyena.

"It will be beneficial in getting them food.  It will efficiently collect water from the rains for the crops.  If things are as bad as we fear, as poor as they are in Corca, the people are too weak to fight. This could be another way to change things."

Pinching her nose, Vanessa shook her head.  "How will this day's endeavor further our plan to take the throne back from him?"

"Vanessa, you must trust my judgement." Gently taking her sisters pale hands in her own, Ely gave a small smile.  "To get the information we need, I have to make Killian believe I am standing by his side as I bargained for your freedom.  The people will see me.  I will be able to observe the condition of the village for myself and scout for advantages in our plan."

With a disgruntled sigh, Vanessa relented and braided Ely's hair.  Dressed in a plain dark green linen dress that hugged her curves and draped over her brown leather knee high boots, Ely ran her flattened hands down the front of the garment fighting the nerves fluttering in her belly.

"All done," Vanessa declared, gently squeezing Ely's shoulders.  "I hope you are right about this."


"Are you ready, my dear?"

His booming, authoritative voice took  Ely's attention. She was gazing out at the gardens through the windows in the dining hall. The faint flapping of birds wings, the bright sunshine, and the overgrown grass and weeds bent at the mercy of the breeze.  She turned, eyes flicking down to observe Killian's full regalia.  Cape, swords and all.

"I am indeed, My Lord, but you--" her downward gaze was  obvious this time, complete with a finger pointing at his clothing "--are not."

"Pardon?  I am appropriately dressed for a King."

His brows furrowed, head tilting as his charcoal eyes bore into her.  Ely's chin held high to appear taller even though, Killian towered over her.  She had to tilt upward to meet his gaze.

"You are far overdressed for a walk about the village," Ely clarified. 

He scoffed but Ely continued.  "I have a challenge for you today."

"Challenge?"  One raven colored eyebrow quirked.  "I am listening."

"Observe the villagers, as a man today. Not a king."

"Lower myself?"

Ely held a hand upward.  "Humble yourself.  For the sake of learning to understand your people."

With a grumble, Killian rolled his eyes. He reached  upward to unclip the brooch off his cloak.  The velvet and fur lined garment fell behind him with a soft whoosh but he held it, grabbing with his other hand and draped the cloak over his arm.  This left him in the brown leather vest over a white tunic, brown linen pants and leather boots.  Much less king-like.  His air of authority was still regal.

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